Track Instant Experience metrics


If you're running an ad with an Instant Experience, you'll have standard Facebook ad insights and these Instant Experience-specific insights:

An Instant Experience is a screen that opens after someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device.

Instant Experience view time – previously Canvas view time:

  • The average total time, in seconds, that people spent viewing an Instant Experience.
How it's calculated

The metric counts average time spent viewing the Instant Experience that was opened from your ad. It also includes the time spent in other Instant Experiences linked from the original Instant Experience.

Instant Experience view percentage – previously Canvas view percentage

  • The average percentage of the Instant Experience that people saw.
How it's calculated

The metric calculates the average percentage of the Instant Experience that people saw, based on the number of components viewed. It counts the views of the Instant Experience that opened from your ad, but not views of other Instant Experiences that were linked from the original.

Note: For linked Instant Experiences, you'll see one overall result for time spent. Percentage viewed results will only apply to the first Instant Experience. You'll also see component-level reporting for all of the Instant Experiences.

Instant Experience component – Previously Canvas component name

  • View your data by each component in an Instant Experience. These values are estimated.
Link clicks

  • The number of clicks on links to destinations or Instant Experiences, on or off Facebook-owned properties.
Outbound clicks

  • The number of clicks on links that take people off Facebook-owned properties.
Lead forms

  • The number of form responses submitted after people clicked on an ad that includes an instant form.
Cost per lead

  • The average cost of form responses submitted after people clicked on an ad that includes an instant form.
How it's calculated

The metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by instant form responses.

To add Instant Experience insights to your reports:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click the Campaigns tab.
  3. Click the Columns drop-down.
  4. Select Customise columns.
  5. Click Media.
  6. Tick the boxes next to Instant Experience view time and/or Instant Experience view percentage, depending on what you want in your report.
  7. Click Apply.

If you are using Instant Forms – previously lead forms – you'll be able to see Form responses and Cost per instant form response in Ads reporting.

To download responses and view metrics:

  1. Go to Ads reporting.
  2. Click Ad set.
  3. Click Metrics on the left sidebar.
  4. Tick the boxes for Leads and Cost per lead.

See results for linked Instant Experiences

You'll see an overall result for time spent for Instant Experiences that are linked together. Percentage viewed results will only apply to the first Instant Experience. You'll also see component-level reporting for all of the Instant Experiences.

Bear in mind that: Editing the name of each component in your Instant Experience will make it easier to understand component-level reporting.

Manage your ads

* Nguồn: Facebook