Add a custom disclaimer to your lead ads


You can add a custom disclaimer to any of your lead ads when you create a lead ad instant form. A custom disclaimer is any legal notice or consent disclaimer you might want to share when people view your ad. You can also include checkboxes in your custom disclaimer if, for example, you want to require people to give permission to share their information. When you add a disclaimer to your add, people are required to agree in order to complete the lead ads instant form.

Note that you can't add a custom disclaimer to an ad that's already running. Instead, you can copy an instant form and add a disclaimer to the copy.

Add a custom disclaimer to your lead ad:

  1. Create a lead ad and at the ad level, choose to create a new instant form.
  2. During creation of the form, click Privacy Policy and select the checkbox for Add custom disclaimer.
  3. In the Add Custom Disclaimer section, enter a title and paste in your disclaimer text.
  4. Click Add new consent to add a new question. You can add more than one question.

Learn more about lead ads on Facebook.

* Nguồn: Facebook