Copy or edit an instant form

It is not possible to edit an existing lead ads instant form, but you can use the following steps to edit a form in draft or make a copy of an existing lead and edit the copied version. Here's how:

Edit your instant forms

To edit an instant form, it must be saved as a draft. If the instant form is already published and you'd like to make changes to it, please see the section below on copying your instant forms.

To edit an instant form:

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. Choose Lead Generation as your ad objective and click Continue.
  3. Select the Page that contains the instant form you want to edit.
  4. In the left-hand navigation, click Instant form. Click on the form that you'd like to edit. Remember, in order to edit an existing form, it will need to be saved as a draft. If your form is not saved as a draft, you will not see an option to edit it.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Make your changes and click either Save draft or Finish form.

Copy your instant forms

It isn't possible to edit a published lead ads form. Instead, you'll need to duplicate an existing form, make your changes, and save or publish the new version.

To edit a copy of a lead ads form in Ads Manager:

  1. Go to your Ads Manager and create a new ad, select Lead generation and set up the campaign and ad set. See the full instructions for creating a new Lead ad campaign.
  2. At the ad level, add text and images for your ad. We recommend providing more context than normal because you'll be asking people to take a specific action. See more of our best practices for Lead ads.
  3. Add a Call-to-Action button and choose a Facebook pixel if you're using one.
  4. In the Instant forms section, click on the instant form that you want to copy and then click Duplicate.
  5. Give your form an updated name. Click through each page in the form, making any necessary edits.
  6. When you've made all changes, navigate through your form preview to review your work.
  7. Click Finish Form.
Learn more about creating, managing and troubleshooting your lead ads.

* Nguồn: Facebook