About brand safety


When advertisers discuss brand safety, they can mean different things; but they're often talking about preventing ads from delivering within or alongside content that is not conducive to their brand.

We help protect advertisers' brands by:

  • Enforcing Community Standards for the content that individuals can share on Facebook and Instagram. We also ensure that only apps, websites and Facebook Pages that comply with our policies can be part of Audience Network.
  • Targeting audiences effectively.
  • Providing controls for where your ads are shown, allowing you to block certain URLs or categories of URLs among Audience Network publishers.

Does my business need to use Facebook brand safety tools?

Not necessarily. Not every business has the same needs or concerns about brand safety.

To learn more about Audience Network publishers, you can Download our publisher list to see where ads could appear or Find out where your ads appeared using Business Manager.

Remember that our ad delivery system works best with as many options of people and placements as possible. Restricting where your ads are placed means constraining deliverability, which could in some cases make your ads more expensive.

To help decide if your business needs to use Facebook brand safety tools, you might consider:

  • Who are our customers, and what content might they consider inappropriate? For example, a brand selling children's products might not want their ads to appear within Audience Network content considered "mature". Learn how to exclude different categories of content
  • Are there different policies, laws or sensitivities in some countries we advertise in? For example, there are some places where people might not approve of your ad appearing on Audience Network gambling or dating apps. Learn how to exclude certain websites and apps
  • Are ads that are more "embedded" in content an issue for us? For example, many people understand that ads in their Facebook News Feed aren't connected to their friends' posts. However, an in-stream video ad or an Instant Articles ad, which appears within the stream of videos or within articles, might be perceived as more "embedded" in that content. Learn how to choose placements for an ad
  • Are there any websites or apps we never want our ads to appear on? For example, a news website might not want to give advertising revenue to rival news websites. Learn about creating block lists
  • What if there's a catastrophe? If a tragic event takes place, do you want to prevent your ad from appearing next to content about it? What events in the national (or international) conversation would make you want to pause an ad campaign?

* Nguồn: Facebook