Setting up app events


This article contains information about setting up the SDK and app events using the Events Manager tool. This is currently being rolled out and may not be available to you at this time.

You can use the Facebook SDK to deliver ads to people who are most likely to take action in your app, measure the value of your ads and track which actions people take in your app (these actions are called app events). If you have the Facebook SDK installed, you can use Events Manager to set up app events in two ways:

  • Use our codeless setup tool: If you have the Marketing Kit (included in Facebook SDK v4.34.0 or higher), you can use our point-and-click tool to manage events, and you'll start seeing events data in minutes.
  • Install your app event code manually: If you don't have the Marketing Kit, you can still get step-by-step instructions for setup.
  • Use a partner integration: Connect your mobile partner account to Facebook and configure the app events you're using for Facebook advertising.

Getting started

Go to Events Manager from the main Ads Manager dashboard and select App Events.

In App Events, select Add data source and then select Facebook SDK from the drop-down. A module will then appear that lets you choose between codeless event setup or manual setup.

If you choose to use the codeless event setup tool:

1. Select the app that you want to add app events to.

2. Open a new session of your app on your phone and connect to Events Manager by giving your phone a few firm shakes.

3. Once connected, you will see your app screen mirrored on your Events Manager screen.

4. Once you select your app category, we will then suggest app events relevant to this category. These events will be highlighted and you can choose to add or remove them with our point-and-click tool.

5. If there are other events that you'd like to add that haven't been suggested, simply select the button or link that you'd like to track on your desktop screen and follow the prompts.

6. When you've finished, you can click Review and finish to confirm your events.

7. Once you exit, your event data should appear in Events Manager within 30 minutes and you can start using this data to set up app ad campaigns.

Custom events and parameters

We support only standard events at the moment, but will support custom events in the future. For parameters, we support price and currency now.

If you choose to install your app event code manually, you can:

  • Set up the SDK and add app events yourself

    Use our "App event setup" to guide you through the process of installing the SDK and adding the app events that you want to track.
  • Have your app developer set up the SDK and add app events for you

    Send instructions directly to your developer so they can install the SDK and add the app events you want to track.
Steps to setting up the SDK and app events with Events Manager:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Go to the tools drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner.
  3. Select the Events Manager tool from the menu.
  4. Under the Add data source menu, click the Facebook SDK option. A module will then appear that lets you choose the manual setup option.
  5. Select your app.
  6. Choose your app category. Choose the closest-fitting category or choose Other, then click Next.
  7. Under the Add data source menu, click the Facebook SDK option. A module will then appear that lets you choose the manual setup option.
  8. The next page will show you a list of suggested app events to add. Deselect any app events that you don't want to track or use the drop-down menu to select additional app events from other app categories.
  9. Install the SDK and add your selected App Events in two ways:
    • Do it yourself:

      Select "Email the instructions to yourself" and follow the instructions that appear.

      Note: Installing the SDK and app events yourself will require you to create a developer account if you don't have one already and to register your app with Facebook if it isn't registered already. The setup instructions in Events Manager will walk you through these steps.
    • Have your developer do it for you:

      Select Email the developer. This option lets you email the installation instructions to your developer, along with a personal message that you can write to them.

      Note: Your developer should have developer access to your app. You can give someone developer access to your app in the App dashboard, which is available in the tools menu of Ads Manager.

Learn more about app events.

* Nguồn: Facebook