Best practices for your shop


Follow these tips to run a great shop on your Facebook Page.

Build trust

  • Create a Page username. A Page username is a unique name that people can use to easily find your Page. Each Page username can only be claimed by one Page, so visitors can find your Page more easily if they know your username.

    Learn how to create a Page username.

  • Respond quickly. Fast responses to messages from customers can build trust and show customers you value them. They also increase the responsiveness rating we display on your Page. If potential customers see that you're very responsive, they might be more likely to contact you, and view you more positively overall.
  • Encourage customers to leave ratings and reviews. If your Page has a shop section, it also has a ratings and reviews section. A high rating and positive reviews can build trust and interest amongst potential customers. After you've transacted with a customer, encourage them to rate you and write a review.
  • Add the address of your physical shop (if you have one). A positive experience on your shop can increase the likelihood that a customer will come to your physical shop. It can also make your business more accessible to people who aren't sure about shopping online.

    Learn how to add an address to your shop.

Increase awareness

  • Don't just add products to your shop, share them on your Page timeline regularly. Adding a product to your shop isn't the same as sharing it to your Page. Once you've added a new product, consider sharing it on your Page so that your customers know about it. That's how to make your products appear in your customers' News Feeds.

    Learn how to add a product to your shop and share it on your Page timeline.

  • Don't just share your products, add content. To make posts about your products stand out, add content and context to them. Are you sharing this product for a specific reason? For example, are you having a sale? Make sure you include that in your post so your customers understand.

    Learn about other ways to advertise on Facebook.

  • Follow our image and description guidelines. We'll tell you what the requirements are for each and give you tips on how to get people's attention with a product listing.

* Nguồn: Facebook