View and manage your offline event data in Events Manager


Offline conversion measurement on Facebook helps you attribute offline events, such as transactions in your physical business location, to people who saw or engaged with your ads on Facebook. As you upload your offline event data to an offline event set that is assigned to your ad accounts, you can view results via in-product dashboards on the offline events page in Business Manager. The metrics and graphs help you monitor your offline event data uploads and troubleshoot any issues.

Top-level event metrics

On the summary page, top-level event metrics show the aggregated number of events received, approximate match rate percentage and attribution rate. These metrics show how much data you've uploaded in the time period selected, and how effectively your data has been matched to people on Facebook and attributed to people who saw your ads. This enables you to measure and optimise the ad campaigns that are assigned to and being tracked by the event set.

Detailed event metrics

On the offline events summary page, click an offline event set name or click Details for more detailed insights. Refer to the image and descriptions below to learn about the key elements of an offline event set detail page.

1. Event time or upload time: Choose whether to view your data based on the timestamps of the events you uploaded (provided in the upload file), or based on the times that you uploaded events to Facebook.

  • Viewing by event time enables you to look at events based on the dates they actually occurred. You can identify any gaps in event data, such as if there is data missing for a specific day.
  • Viewing by upload time helps you verify which dates you uploaded data, how many events were uploaded and the results of those uploads in order to better manage your data preparation practices and upload schedule. You can identify any gaps in your upload schedule or troubleshoot issues with an API integration.

2. Time period: Select a preset time period or a specific date range to view. Note: The Last 7 days table does not update and will always reflect the last seven days from the current time.

3. Events tab graph: On the Events tab, the graph shows the number and value of events received, and match rate. Hover over points in the graph to see a breakdown of these metrics or review the table.

4. Events tab table: On the Events tab, the table shows the number and value of events received, and match rate. You can refer to Ads Manager for detailed attribution numbers.

The reporting metrics include:

  • Events received: The total number of events received by this offline event set, either via manual upload or API integration.
  • Total value: The total value of all events in the selected time period. This is based on the monetary value specified for the uploaded events.
  • Match rate: The approximate percentage of events in this offline event set that were matched to people on Facebook. Match rate is not available in case of low volumes of data.

Offline event set tools

On an event set details page, you can quickly access other related information and features. Refer to the image above and descriptions below to learn about these additional tools.

5. History tab: Review your past upload activity. If you have an API connection, you may only see one entry.

6. Settings tab: Review and manage your ad account assignments. You can also access other event set management options such as sharing with another business. Learn more about offline event set permissions.

7. API connection status: If you have an offline conversions API integration, you'll see the connection status at the top of your event set. The API provides an automated way to upload your offline event data directly to Facebook, otherwise you can manually upload your offline event data by clicking Upload Offline Events. Learn more about the offline conversions API.

8. Create audience or create custom conversion: With offline event data, you can also create a Lookalike or Custom Audience. Set up an audience with your desired characteristics, and it will continually refresh as you upload data.

* Nguồn: Facebook