Create a collection ad on Instagram to sell products


You can use the collection ad format to sell your products. When you create a collection to sell products, your ad uses a main image or video with a row of three images below that expand into a full-screen experience when people interact with your ad on mobile devices.

Collection includes an Instant Experience that opens instantly when someone interacts with your ad on a mobile device. With the sell products (grid layout) or instant storefront template, you can create a collection that features images, videos, products and call-to-action buttons that link to your website or app.

Showcase products in a grid layout so that people can browse more of your products in one place. When you use this layout, you can show up to 50 products from your catalogue.

Before you begin

  • To sell your products with collection, you should have a series of ad images and/or videos that you want to use in the ad. The images or videos are used for the main creative that appears above the three images when people scroll through their feed and open up your collection ad.
  • If you plan on using the Catalogue Sales objective for your ad, a catalogue is required.

Get Started

To begin creating your collection ad:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click + Create.
  3. Choose an objective that supports collection, and then click Continue.
  4. Choose Website or App as the location where you want to drive people who interact with your ad. If you're using an app, it's recommended that you link people directly to your products within your app.
    • Note: Instagram supports deep linking at the product level (if this is reflected in the product catalogue), but deep linking with other elements (such as CTA buttons) aren't supported.
  5. Choose the audience, budget and schedule for your ad set, and then click Continue.
Next, finish creating your collection ad by selecting a template and filling in all required details.

Create a collection ad for selling products

  1. Choose the Facebook Page and Instagram account representing your business, and then choose Collection.
  2. In the Full-screen experience section, click the Create new tab.
  3. Hover over Sell products: Grid layout, or instant storefront, and click Use template.
  4. Create your Instant Experience for the collection ad. While you create your Instant Experience, you'll see updates being made in the preview. You can fill in these details:
    • Cover image or video: Choose the main image or video that appears above the row of three images when people scroll through feed and find your ad. You can choose a single image, single video or slideshow. Please bear in mind that Instagram supports square (1:1), full landscape/horizontal (16:9) and slideshow. Vertical ratios higher than 1:1 aren't supported on Instagram.
    • Product: Choose the products that you'd like to showcase in the ad. You have two options for selecting which products to showcase: Order dynamically or Choose a specific order. If you order your products dynamically, products from your catalogue appear dynamically in the ad based on interest. If you choose to highlight products manually, you can select specific products from your catalogue in the ad by their name, ID or colour. If you don't have a catalogue, you can also add your products manually to the ad. Learn more about choosing products in your collection ad.

    • Headline: If you want to run a campaign across Facebook and Instagram, bear in mind that product headlines aren't supported on Instagram, so please leave that field blank or be aware that it won't show on Instagram.
    • Fixed button: Add text and a destination URL to a button that people can interact with. When people tap the button on mobile, they immediately go to the link in your ad to see all products or services that your business offers.
  5. Click Done.
  6. In the Products Featured in News Feed section, choose how you want to show the three product images below your main image or video.
  7. Dynamically selected (recommended): Allow Instagram to choose three products from your product set. By default, the three images are ranked by the popularity or likelihood of purchase.
  8. Customise up to three products to feature: Click Customise to select three specific images from your product set. The product images that you select aren't ranked by likelihood of purchase.

    Note: If you would like your campaign to run across Facebook and Instagram, you will select three products to feature on Facebook, and three products will dynamically be selected for Instagram.

  9. (Optional) To see what happens when people tap the ad to explore your collection, click See preview.
  10. Add deep links to your website in your ad. Deep links allow you to control where people end up when they interact with products in your ad. Click + to add tags from your catalogue if you want to further modify your links.
  11. Choose an app link destination. The app link destination is where people go when they click your app link. You can choose to send people to your app or another destination if people don't have your app installed.
  12. (Optional) Add a URL parameter to the ad so that you can identify where your ad traffic is coming from when people interact with your collection ad.
  13. Confirm the changes to your ad.

* Nguồn: Facebook