Advertising in multiple languages
If you want to advertise to people in several languages, Facebook allows you to deliver multi-language ads to the most relevant people to your business.
Instead of having different campaigns and posts for different languages, you can create one campaign with your multiple-language ads and Facebook will auto-optimise your campaign budget to deliver your ads in the right language to the right people at the right time.
Depending on your ad objectives, there are two ways that you can use to create multi-language campaigns.
- You can Boost Post in multiple languages if you are using the same image or video for your ads in all of the languages.
- You can use Ads Manager to create ads in different languages for your campaigns if you choose one of supported objectives: the Traffic (website) objective, the Mobile App Installs objective and the Conversions (website) objective. With this option, you will be able to use different photos and videos for your different language ads.
You can boost post on Facebook in multiple languages if you are using the same image or video for your ads in all the languages.
To boost a new post in multiple languages:
- Select Settings at the top right of your business page.
- In the General tab, scroll to Post in Multiple Languages and tick Allow people who manage this page to write posts in multiple languages. Choose Save Changes.
- Compose an ad from your business page, then select Write post in another Language.
- Choose the ad's Default language. The ad in the default language will be served to people who speak that language and are likely to be interested in your ad but don't speak one of the other languages you'll select.
Click Select and choose another language from the dropdown menu. You can ad as many languages as you like.
Some of the available languages have an automatic translation feature. The auto-translated text can be edited.
- Select an image or a video for all your ads. The same creative will be served in all your languages.
- Choose Boost Post to publish your ads.

Your ad will now be served in multiple languages to people who are relevant to your business.
You can use ads manager to create ads in different languages for your campaigns if you choose one of supported objectives: traffic (website), app installs, conversions (website), video views, reach and brand awareness.
With this option you will be able to use different photos and videos for your different language ads.
To create an ad for all the languages you're serving:
- In Ads Manager, start a campaign one of supported objectives: traffic (website), app installs, conversions (website), video views, reach or brand awareness.
- Choose your audience, campaign budget and placements settings in the Ad set section.
- In your ad format settings, choose a single image, slideshow or single video and then upload your creative.
- To create your ad in more languages, select Create in Different Language under Multiple Languages.
- Select your Default language. The ad in the default language will be served to people who speak that language and are likely to be interested in your ad but don't speak one of the other languages you'll select.
- Add an image, a headline and text for your default ad.
- Now select your Added Language. You can add up to 48 more languages.
- Type in a headline and text for your ad in the added language you selected. You can also choose a new image for the other languages. Note: If you are using the website clicks or website conversions objective, you will also be able to use a language specific website link.
- When you're ready, hit Create.

* Nguồn: Facebook