Set up catalogue roles in Business Manager


If you have a Business Manager and want to share or grant access to the catalogues that you manage, you should assign a role to people in your Business Manager account. These roles allow you or anyone else in your Business Manager account to do things such as view catalogues or control catalogue settings.

Note: If you don't use Business Manager, you can still create and manage a catalogue using your personal ad account. Any apps or pixels that you own need to be associated with your personal ad account before you can access your catalogue.

In this article:

Before you begin

  • If you plan on assigning roles to other people in your Business Manager or sharing the catalogue with partners or agencies, make sure that you're an admin of the business in Business Manager. Learn more about the different roles available for Facebook ad accounts.
  • To assign a pixel to a catalogue, you need to have the pixel analyst role in Business Manager. To assign an app to a catalogue, you need to be an admin of the business in Business Manager. Learn more about managing pixels and apps in Business Manager
  • If you're a partner or agency invited to manage a catalogue in a Business Manager account, you can't share the catalogue assigned to you with other businesses that you represent.

Available roles and permissions

  • Manage catalogue: You can control catalogue settings and access report, make updates to catalogue items and create and edit product sets to run ads.
  • Create ads: You can access reports and create and edit product sets to run ad campaigns.
Manage catalogueCreate ads
Add people and assign catalogue roles
Share a catalogue with partners and agencies
Select a catalogue or product set when creating an ad
Preview ads associated with a product set
View and select catalogues in Catalogue Manager
View data feeds in Catalogue Manager
Edit and delete data feeds in Catalogue Manager
View catalogue settings in Catalogue Manager
Update catalogue settings in Catalogue Manager
View events in Catalogue Manager
Create and delete product sets in Catalogue Manager
Associate a pixel with a catalogue
Associate an app with a catalogue

Add people in your Business Manager to your catalogue

Before you can assign a role to someone in your Business Manager, you need to add them to your catalogue.

  1. Go to Business Manager settings and select the business that you want to update.
  2. Click Data sources.
  3. Click Catalogues and select the name of your catalogue.
  4. Navigate to People.
  5. Click Add people.
  6. Click to tick the box next to the people who you want to add to your catalogue.
  7. Use the drop-down menu next to each person and select Manage catalogue or Create ads as their role.

  8. Click Save Changes.

Assign a role to your catalogue

In Business Manager, you can assign or change roles to people in your business. The role they're assigned determines what they can do to catalogues that are assigned to them.

  1. Go to Business Manager settings and select the business that you want to update.
  2. Click Data sources.
  3. Click Catalogues and select the name of your catalogue.
  4. Navigate to People or Partners.
  5. Hover over the Role icon next to the name of the person.

  6. Select Manage catalogue or Create ads.

Assign a partner to your catalogue

If you work with an agency to manage your ads, you can invite them to your catalogue as a partner. Partners need to have their own Business Manager account before they can manage your catalogue.

  1. Go to Business Manager settings and select the business that you want to update.
  2. Click Data sources.
  3. Click Catalogues and select the name of your catalogue.
  4. Navigate to Partners.
  5. Click Assign partner.
  6. Use the drop-down menu to select the role that you want to give your partner: Manage catalogue or Create ads. After you select the role, Business Manager generates a link that you can send to the partner. Each link can only be used once and expires in 30 days.

  7. Click Copy next to the link and then send the link to the partner.

    Note: You can also assign a partner to your catalogue by entering the business ID for their Business Manager account instead. To do this, click Connect your catalogue using your partner's business ID instead and enter the business ID for the partner.

* Nguồn: Facebook