Advertising Policies

For all policies and explanations, visit our Advertising Policies site. For a quick tutorial on Facebook's Advertising Policies, try our Blueprint policy course.

Facebook's Advertising Policies provide guidelines about which ads are acceptable and unacceptable on the site. When advertisers place their orders, their ads are reviewed against these policies.

To report a Facebook ad that you think may not be following the Advertising Policies, please use this form to contact us. If you think that your ad has been mistakenly disapproved, please let us know.

There is no limit on text in ads in Instagram Stories.

We've found that images with less than 20% text perform better.

To create a better experience for audiences and advertisers, ads that run on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network are subject to a review process that looks at the amount of image text used in your ad. Based on this review, ads with higher amounts of image text may not be shown. Bear in mind that some ad images may qualify for an exception. For example, book covers, album covers and product images usually qualify for an exception.

Check whether my ad qualifies for an exception

What is image text?

Image text is any text that exists on your ad image or creative. It doesn't include text outside of your image, such as the body text of your ad.

Below you'll find an example of image text.

Body text

Ad image

Image text

How you'll know that your ad image contains too much text

Use our tool to check the amount of text in your images

Click here to use our tool to determine whether your ad may reach fewer people for having too much text on the ad image. While the accuracy of the tool may not be perfect, you should use the tool as a guide to help you create and submit ads that are more likely to comply with our image text guidelines. The tool doesn't evaluate stock images.

You may receive a notification before you submit your ad

If, while creating your ad, our system detects that your ad image contains too much text, you may be shown a message that flags the issue and gives you the option to request a manual review. If you believe that your ad has been flagged inaccurately or believe that your ad qualifies for an exception, it's recommended that you select the Request manual review option.

How we review different ad formats

  • Single image ads – We review the image used in the ad to see if it complies with our image text guidelines.
  • Carousel ads – We review each image within the ad to see if they all comply with our image text guidelines. Bear in mind that even if one image in the carousel has too much text, it'll affect your entire ad.
  • Video ads – We review the thumbnail to make sure that it complies with our text guidelines.

Tips for avoiding too much text in your ad images

  • Click here to check your images before you try running your ad.
  • If you need to include text in your image, try using fewer words and/or reducing the font size of your text. Bear in mind that if your text is too small, it may be difficult to read.
  • Make sure that most of the text that you use is in the body text instead of directly in the ad's image.
  • Avoid spreading text all over the image.

Examples of text in ads

Facebook ads that contain images with little to no image text tend to cost less and reach more people than ads with image text.

The following four examples show how image text affects how many people will see your ad:

Image text: OK

Your ad's image contains little or no text. This is the preferred image style.

Image text: Low

Your ad's reach may be slightly lower

You may reach fewer people because there's too much text in the ad image. Ad images with little or no text are preferred. Try an image with less text, a smaller font size or without text-based logos.

Image text: Medium

Your ad's reach may be much lower

You may reach fewer people because there's too much text in the ad image. Ad images with little or no text are preferred. Try an image with less text, a smaller font size or without text-based logos.

Image text: High

Your ad may not run

You may not reach your audience because there's too much text in the ad image. Ad images with little or no text are preferred. Unless you qualify for an exception, try an image with less text, a smaller font size or without text-based logos.

More visual examples

Little or no text

Low text

Medium text

High text

Common exceptions

We understand that sometimes you'll need to use an image with essential text for your ad. For this reason, your image may qualify for an exception.

  • Book covers and album covers
  • Product image

    Note: For product images, we don't allow close-up or zoomed-in images of logos. Your image must show the entire product.

  • Games
  • Event posters

In addition to these examples, charts and graphs, magazine and newspaper covers, and film and TV show posters, may also be considered for an exception.

Note: Legal text such as "terms and conditions" also counts as an exception (as it applies to the product in your ad).

Examples of image text that might not be approved

  • Text-based logos - Any logo that is primarily text is counted as text regardless of its size or alignment
  • Watermark – Watermarks are considered as text, even if they're mandatory or as per their brand guidelines
  • Numbers – All numbers are considered as text

Learn how to troubleshoot other factors that affect your ad delivery.

More resources

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Ads for adult friend finders or dating sites with a sexual emphasis aren't compliant. Ads for other online dating services are only allowed with prior authorisation from Facebook. Visit the Advertiser Policy site for more detail on how the policy is applied.

To be a registered dating partner, please contact your Facebook representative. If you don't have a Facebook representative, fill in this form to begin your application process. The Policy team will contact you directly with an answer within 30 days.

Directions if you're using Ads Manager to create your ads:

In order for your targeting to be compliant with Facebook's policies, you should follow the instructions below when building your audience.

  1. In Ads Manager, create an ad and go to the ad set to define your audience.
  2. Click in the text field next to Detailed targeting.
  3. Search for "single" and select Single > Relationship Status and Unspecified > Relationship Status.
  4. Next, click Narrow audience directly below the Detailed targeting section.
  5. Search for any other interests that you want to add, such as hobbies.
  6. Finish creating your ad.

Steps if you're using the API to create your ads:

If you're using the API to create your ads for dating services, you should use AND statements between each set of targeting requirements. For example, create an audience for people who match:

Relationship Status: Single or Unspecified 
And Interested In: Dating

The following example is compliant. With this targeting, you could reach people who are single AND interested in dating.

These targeting requirements must be met in order for dating ads to be approved to run on Facebook.

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* Nguồn: Facebook