Edit ads in the updated Ads Manager


We're bringing Ads Manager and Power Editor together into one platform to make it easier for advertisers to manage their ads. When editing your campaigns, ad sets or ads, you have the option to make edits immediately or save changes and publish these changes later.

In this article:

Edit campaigns, ad sets and ads immediately

1. To make edits and publish the edits immediately, select the campaigns, ad sets or ads that you want to edit and click Edit or the edit icon to open the side panel.

2. Once you've made your edits, click Publish. That's it. Your edits are immediately applied to your ads.

At the campaign, ad set and ad level, you can review your information for any errors. Click at the top of each level's editor panel to see the selections you've made and any errors that may exist. When you've finished, click the button to go back to the editing mode.

The Review feature is gradually being rolled out and may not be available to everyone yet.

Edit ads using the campaign structure

The campaign structure in Ads Manager is gradually being rolled out and may not be available to everyone yet.

You can now navigate and edit campaigns, ad sets and ads in the campaign structure in the side panel. The left-hand side panel will show the campaign structure and allow you to:

  • navigate between campaigns, ad sets and ads so that you can quickly edit them;
  • select multiple items to bulk edit when you hold the Shift or Ctrl key; and
  • hover over an item to take quick actions like create, duplicate, copy IDs and delete.
To open or hide the campaign structure, click the icon.

Make edits and publish later

To make edits and publish the changes later, you will take the same steps as above, but you will select Close instead of Publish.

1. Select the campaigns, ad sets or ads that you want to edit and click Edit or the edit icon to open the side panel.

2. Once you've made your changes, you can click Close and your edits will be saved. This way your ads will be saved in draft mode, and you'll can review and publish the changes later.

3. To publish previously saved edits, go to Review and publish where you can see pending edits and confirm these changes.

Make changes in the reporting table

You can also make certain edits to your ads directly in the reporting table. In the table, you can edit your ad's budget and schedule and these changes will be applied immediately. You will not need to review and approve these changes.

Important note: Other pending edits that you've saved on the same item will be published as well. So, if you've made changes to a campaign earlier and saved those changes and then edited the same campaign in the reporting table, both the edits to the reporting table and the saved edits for the same campaign will be published immediately. Before publishing, you will see a notification stating that multiple updates will be published and it will list the specific fields that will be published.

Here are a few examples to explain how this would work:

  • Let's say you have a campaign called Campaign A, and you change the name of the campaign in the editing pane and save this change. You later use the reporting table to make an edit to the budget of that same Campaign A. When you click Publish, both the campaign name change and the budget change will be published immediately.
  • With the same Campaign A, you also have multiple ad sets: Ad set X, Ad set Y and Ad set Z. You previously edited the audience for Ad set X and saved the change. When you later publish the changes to Campaign A in the reporting table, your changes to Ad set X will not be published.
Click Save to draft if you want to Review and publish your changes later. Or if you want to publish your edits, click Publish to apply the edits made in the reporting table and the edits you've previously saved.

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