Brand Awareness objective


Learn more about the Brand Awareness objective and how it can help you show your ads to people who are more likely to recall them.

Creating ads

The Brand Awareness objective is a way for advertisers to show ads to people who are more likely to recall them. Learn more about choosing an objective for your brand campaign

From analysing hundreds of brand campaigns, we've found that the longer someone spends with an ad, the more likely it is that they'll remember it.

To create a brand awareness campaign using guided creation in Ads Manager:

  1. Go to Ads Manager and click thebutton, making sure that you are in the guided creation workflow.
  2. Choose the Brand Awareness objective.
  3. Choose a Page and name your campaign. Click Continue.
  4. In Audience, set targeting such as age and gender.
  5. In Placements, by default, we'll optimise your ad delivery across Facebook and Instagram, and, for video ads only, Audience Network. We recommend this default setting, but to change this you can click Edit placements.
  6. Set your budget, optimisation and schedule.
  7. If you set Budget to Lifetime budget, you can change your Ad scheduling and Delivery type. Click Continue.
  8. Add your creative. Choose a Carousel, single image, single video, slideshow or Collection.
  9. Add your text. To add a call-to-action button, choose any format except Canvas and tick the Add a website URL box. Button options are Apply Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Download, Learn More, Request Time, See Menu, Shop Now, Sign Up and Watch More.
  10. Success, your ad is complete! Click Confirm to finish.

When your campaign starts, you'll be able to track metrics including video views for campaigns using video assets, reach, engagement and estimated ad recall lift (people) – an estimate of how many people are likely to recall your ad.

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Create a brand awareness ad

To create an ad:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click thebutton and make sure that you are in the quick creation workflow.
  3. Name your campaign, choose your buying type and select the Brand Awareness objective. The Brand Awareness objective supports auction and reach and frequency buying.
  4. Name your ad set. Click Create if your buying type is reach and frequency. Set up a reach and frequency campaign.
  5. Choose your ad name and click Create if your buying type is Auction.
  6. Choose Ad set in the top right, then set your budget, schedule, audience and placement.
  7. Choose Ad in the top right and add your creative. Choose between a single video or image, carousel, slideshow or Instant Experience.

  8. Add your text. To add a call-to-action button, select Website URL and add a website URL. Button options are Apply Now, Book Now, Contact Us, Download, Learn More, Request Time, See Menu, Shop Now, Sign Up and Watch More.
  9. Choose, once you've edited your campaign details, to either:
    • Publish your campaign immediately by clicking Publish.
    • Save your campaign details as a draft by clicking Close, so that you can come back and edit before clicking Review and publish.

When your campaign starts, you'll be able to track metrics including estimated ad recall lift (people). This metric estimates how many people are likely to recall your ad.

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When using the Brand Awareness objective, your ads will reach your audience up to two times every five days by default.

Over a four-week campaign that means people will see your ads around ten times.

To learn more about frequency and its relationship with ad recall, read the Facebook white paper on frequency.

Create an ad
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Ads reporting

Our estimated ad recall lift (people) metric is available for ads using the Page Post Engagement objective, the Video Views objective and the ad recall lift optimisation within the Brand Awareness objective. Learn how to read your results

  • The estimated ad recall lift (people) metric shows how many people we estimate would remember seeing your ad if we asked them within two days.
  • The ad recall lift optimisation delivers your ad to the people we estimate would remember seeing your ad if we asked them within two days.

Why people remembering your ad is important

The advertising industry has long used "whether or not people remember your ads" as a key sign of whether they are resonating with audiences.

This was traditionally measured using "ad recall surveys".

How we choose the best people to deliver your ads to

Within your targeting, we show your ad to the people we think will later recall seeing it as a result of seeing your campaign.

We choose people based on:

  • Behaviour. We measure more than a thousand signals including the existing relationship that someone has with your Page, their likelihood of interacting with the ad and demographic characteristics.
  • Polling. We are constantly calibrating our predictions by running thousands of polls on a random sample of campaigns each day that ask people if they recall an ad.

How we calculate estimated ad recall lift (people) reporting

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is an approximate metric. We use machine learning to project the results of a full ad recall survey from our data.

  • Estimated ad recall lift (people) is defined as the incremental number of people that would answer "Yes" to "Do you recall seeing an ad from [brand] in the last two days?" The incremental number is calculated by asking both an exposed group (who have seen the ad) and a control group (who haven't seen the ad) the same question and then calculating the difference between the two groups.
  • Estimated ad recall lift (people) is labelled as an "estimated" and "in-development" metric (Learn more). This means that we are continuously improving our calculation methodology and, as a result, we recommend that you should only compare this metric across campaigns running simultaneously.


  • A brand-lift study is required for the most accurate measurement of ad recall. However, if your campaign does not meet the criteria to conduct a full study, estimated ad recall lift (people) can be an affordable, accessible alternative.
  • Because estimated ad recall lift improves over time and varies by audience, we recommend not comparing estimated ad recall lift metrics from campaigns running with different targeting or at different periods of time.
  • Nielsen Brand Effect, or other third-party studies, may deliver different numbers. Nielsen Brand Effect studies are based on poll responses. Our metric is an estimate based on data and signals from the campaign, using poll responses for calibration.
  • We've renamed the brand awareness delivery optimisation that you can select in the Brand Awareness objective the ad recall lift optimisation. This is a better description of what it does following a series of improvements to both the delivery optimisation and the accuracy of the estimated ad recall lift (people) metric. Campaign metrics that were measured using the old methodology (roughly before December 2017) should not be compared to new campaigns.
  • We recommend targeting a relatively wide audience, so the optimisation can find people who are more likely to recall seeing the ad. That said, testing is the best way to find a good targeting strategy.
  • Other metrics are useful for brand campaigns. Estimated ad recall lift (people) rate is the estimated incremental number of people who recall your ad divided by the number of people that your ad reached. Cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) is the average cost per incremental person that we estimate will recall seeing your ad if asked. Reach is the number of people who were served an impression.

Read your estimated ad recall lift (people) reporting

Create a brand awareness campaign with quick creation

Create a brand awareness campaign with guided creation

Find out how your brand awareness campaign performed

Troubleshooting: understanding your estimated ad recall lift (people) reporting

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The Brand Awareness objective's main reporting metric is estimated ad recall lift (people), which is the estimated number of people likely to remember your ads within two days.

The Brand Awareness objective is designed for advertisers who want to find people who are more likely to recall their ads.

Get started

Metrics such as reach and frequency, which measure how many people your campaign reached and how many times they saw your ads, are important metrics for any brand campaign. If you used video, then video-based metrics are also important.

  • To see reach and frequency metrics in Ads Manager: Click Columns > Delivery.
  • To see video metrics in Ads Manager: Click Columns > Video Engagement.

Alongside reach and frequency metrics, you can use estimated ad recall lift (people) and cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) to help you understand the impact of your brand campaign.

Estimated ad recall lift (people): An estimate of the number of additional people who may remember seeing your ads, if asked, within 2 days.

Cost per estimated ad recall lift (people): The average cost for each estimated ad recall lift.

Understanding my results

Using cost per estimated ad recall lift (people), you can compare:

  1. How different ad creative resonates with your audience

    • Example: Create two different ad creatives, each in its own ad set. Run the ads simultaneously. Target the same broad audience. Compare cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) for an indication of which ad creative may be more memorable, based on your budget.
  2. How different audiences are likely to recall your ads

    • Example: Create two different ad sets targeting two different audiences using the same ad creative. Run the ads simultaneously. Compare cost per estimated ad recall lift (people) for an indication of which audience found the ad most memorable, based on your budget.

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is only an estimate and may be imprecise. To accurately measure ad recall lift, it's best to use a brand lift study. Eligibility for a brand lift study is dependent on several factors and availability is not guaranteed. Learn more about brand lift studies.

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We have recently improved the performance of the ad recall lift optimisation (formerly named the brand awareness optimisation) and the accuracy of the estimated ad recall lift (people) metric within the Brand Awareness objective. This means that you will probably see changes in your estimated ad recall lift (people) reporting. Learn more

My estimated ad recall lift rate is higher in ad set A. So why did ad set B, which has a lower estimated ad recall lift rate, get more delivery?

The ad recall lift optimisation tries to move as many people as possible into a higher state of recall.

Estimated ad recall lift (people) is the estimated number of people likely to remember your ads within two days. Estimated ad recall lift rate is that number divided by the number of people you've reached, expressed as a percentage.

A high percentage might look good, but if the ad didn't reach many people, it didn't create a lot of recallers.

If ad set A isn't reaching many people, it will struggle to create more incremental recallers, so our ad recall lift optimisation won't optimise towards it. If ad set B is reaching more people, it will get more delivery. The ad recall lift optimisation tries to move as many people as possible into a higher state of recall.

It's difficult to compare ad sets running at different times or with different targeting or budgets. This is because estimated ad recall lift is an in-development metric, which is changing all the time. It's best to only compare simultaneous campaigns.

Can ad recall expire?

Yes. We might serve an ad to someone once in five days and estimate that we brought them into a state of recall. However, we could then estimate that the person went out of recall and serve them another ad.

In this case, one unique person reached is measured as having been brought into a state of recall twice.

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* Nguồn: Facebook