Landing page views

The number of times that a person clicked on an ad link and successfully loaded the destination web page or Instant Experience. To report on landing page views, you must have created a Facebook pixel.
This metric is in development.

How it's used

Landing page views let you know how many times people loaded your website or Instant Experience after clicking your ad. You can compare landing page views to link clicks to understand how many people clicked on your ad but left before your website or Instant Experience loaded.

How it's calculated

Landing page views are counted when a person loads a web page or Instant Experience after clicking your ad, and your pixel fires a PageView, PixelInitialised or ViewContent event. The PageView and PixelInitialised events are automatically captured by your pixel and do not require any additional setup.

A pixel from your ad account must be installed on your web page in order for a landing page view to be counted. If your ad links to a web page that does not have a pixel installed on it (for example, a redirect page), then a landing page view will be counted if your pixel fires a PageView, PixelInitialised or ViewContent event within 3 minutes of the original ad click.

* Nguồn: Facebook