Unattributed Conversions


The number of conversions that cannot be attributed to an impression or click because one or more of the following criteria apply:

  • There were no impressions or clicks
  • All impresssions or clicks occur prior to the currently selected attribution window
  • The attribution model doesn't assign credit to any impression or click within the attribution window

How It's Used

Unattributed conversions shows how many conversions cannot be attributed by the selected attribution model and window. You can use it to see if your attribution window and model are appropriately considering your touchpoints, and if your conversions have touchpoints in their path.

The number of unattributed conversions will increase as you decrease your attribution window to include fewer touchpoints, or change your attribution model to include only clicks. For example, if you select a 28-day attribution window and the last touch attribution model, then any conversion with at least one view or click within the previous 28 days will be attributed to those touchpoints. If you select the same attribution window but with a last click attribution model, then only conversions with a click within the previous 28 days will be attributed.

How It's Calculated

Unattributed conversions are calculated as the difference between conversions and total conversions.

* Nguồn: Facebook