Troubleshooting product sets with no items


When you have an ad that uses a product set (such as a dynamic ad), you should keep your product set up to date with accurate information about your inventory. If your ad stops delivering, you may have an issue with the product set attached to the ad.

Why an ad may report that a product set is empty

  • Your product set doesn't have any products. You may not have added any products to the product set, or you made a change to the data feed file for the product set that removes all items from the product set.
  • Your product set contains out-of-stock products. Your products may have recently become out of stock, or you updated the data feed file to include out-of-stock products. Any ads that contain out-of-stock products aren't delivered.

Fix issues with product sets

  1. Change the availability of items in your data feed to more accurately represent your inventory. If items in your data feed are available, indicate that the item is "in stock" in the Availability column of the data feed. If an item is not available, indicate that the item is "out of stock" in the Availability column of the data feed.
  2. Re-upload your data feed file. In Catalogue Manager, upload your data feed again with any corrected values to correct issues in the data feed. You may also consider setting up automatic uploads of your data feed so that information about your inventory is updated frequently.
  3. Check that the Facebook pixel matches the purchase events on your website or app. Visit the corresponding product page for each item in your inventory to ensure that the pixel is firing on the ViewContent, AddToBasket and Purchase events. You should also compare the "content_ids" and "content_type" with the date feed used. If you need more help, consider installing the Facebook Pixel Helper.

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* Nguồn: Facebook