Fix missing items in a catalogue


If Catalogue Manager reports that some items in your catalogue are missing or can't be found, you may need to check that your Facebook pixel or app have been set up properly. You may encounter this error when:

  • The content_id included in your pixel or app event doesn't match the id in the catalogue's data feed.
  • The pixel or app isn't associated to the catalogue.
  • The item doesn't exist in the catalogue.

In this article, you'll learn about the importance of matching the correct IDs to events on your website or in your app and how to fix these issues in Catalogue Manager.

How catalogue uses event sources

When you set up an event source, you use a series of unique identifiers for each item in your inventory called content IDs. The content ID that you apply to an event source should match the ID that you provide in the data feed. Matching content IDs to the right item IDs allows you to accurately track how people interact with your inventory from the "Event sources" page.

For example, you sell products on your website and want to use the pixel to see how people are browsing your products. For one product, you assign the ID 1111111. In your pixel code, you assign the same ID in the content_id parameter.

In the data feed you upload to Catalogue Manager, you assign this same value in the id column.

Then, you connect your pixel to your catalogue in Catalogue Manager. The more products from your pixel that you match to products in your data feed, the more products that will be available in ads that retarget people (such as dynamic ads). In this example, 90% of your products are available for retargeting ads.


In general, you should have a high percentage of items matched to your event sources, as this lets you know if your event source is working properly. If you notice that a low percentage of items aren't available for retargeting, or you notice a dip in the number of items being reported on the "Event sources" page, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your event source to your catalogue. To see how well your event sources are reporting events from your inventory, make sure that your catalogue is connected to your event sources. If you can't see any items available for retargeting in your catalogue, your pixel or app may not be connected to your catalogue. Learn more about associating an event source to your catalogue.
  2. Make sure that the content ID sent by your pixel matches your data feed. In your event source, make sure that the item ID in your data feed matches the content ID in the pixel or app event. The content ID should be correctly formatted, with no additional numbers or symbols. If you need to troubleshoot a pixel, consider using the Facebook Pixel Helper to diagnose the issue.
  3. Check that the item is available in Catalogue Manager. The "Event sources" page finds items (based on their content IDs) that aren't currently included in your catalogue. You can then use this information to identify the content IDs in your pixel and match them to the product IDs in your data feed. Click Download All to download a list of all content IDs not in your catalogue. You can also go to the Products tab in Catalogue Manager to see all items contained in your catalogue.

* Nguồn: Facebook