Export ads


Export ads

Exporting ad and campaign information enables you to pull your data in CSV format, so that you can manage your ads directly through Excel. This makes it easier to scale ad creation and management, and doesn't limit you to Ads Manager.

When exporting data, you have the option to select the specific campaigns, ad sets or ads that you wish to export as a CSV or text file. You can also select the specific columns that you wish to export with the Customise export feature. Additionally, you'll see different options in your spreadsheet if you export ads that are using dynamic creative or placement asset customisation.


  1. At the campaign, ad set or ad level, click on the Import/Export icon
  2. Click Export all to export all of your ad data at once. You also have the option to select specific campaigns, ad sets or ads that you want to export as a CSV or text file with Export selected and Export selected as text (Ctrl+Shift+C).
    • If you want to export specific columns, choose the Customise export feature.

  3. Dynamic creative:

    If you export ad sets that are using dynamic creative, you will see the following additional asset columns in your Excel file:

    • "Additional Image {index} Hash" (1-9)
    • "Additional Image {index} Crops" (1-9)
    • "Additional Video {index} ID" (1-9)
    • "Additional Video {index} Thumbnail URL" (1-9)
    • "Additional Title {index}" (1-4)
    • "Additional Link Description {index}" (1-4)
    • "Additional Body {index}" (1-4)
    • "Additional CallToAction {index}" (1-4)

    There will also be a new column called "Use Dynamic Creative" which will automatically be ticked as "yes" if you export ad sets that are using dynamic creative. When importing ad sets, you will need to set the "Use Dynamic Creative" column to "yes" in order to create a dynamic creative ad set, otherwise the additional assets uploaded will be ignored.

    Placement Asset Customisation:

    If you export ad sets that are using Placement Asset Customisation, you will see the following placement columns in your Excel file:

    • "Additional Image {index} Hash" (1-9)
    • "Additional Image {index} Crops" (1-9)
    • "Image Placement"
    • "Additional Image {index} Placement" (1-9)
    • "Additional Video {index} ID" (1-9)
    • "Additional Video {index} Thumbnail URL" (1-9)
    • "Video Placement"
    • "Additional Video {index} Placement" (1-9)

    When importing PAC ads, it will pair the asset column with the placement column (for example, "Additional Image 1 Hash" and "Additional Image 1 Placement"). The placement columns require comma-delimited data for PAC to work.


  4. Once you export, the file will be downloaded to your computer. Once you've finished managing your ad data, you can import the file back into Ads Manager.

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* Nguồn: Facebook