Create ads for the Store Visits objective


To use the Store Visits objective, make sure that you have Facebook Locations set up. You can add them through Business Manager. Learn how here.

If you're an advertiser with multiple business locations, you can use the Facebook Store Visits objective to build dynamic ad campaigns that reach people around each shop location.

Get started

  1. Connect your local Pages to your main Page in the Locations tool. Navigate to your Page's settings and click the Locations link on the left. You can now run ads based on your shop locations.
  2. Go to ad creation and select Store Visits.
  3. Select the Page you want to run ads for and click Continue.

Choosing location targeting options in store visits

Create a Custom Audience who will see your ad within a designated area by defining the radius around your business location. Otherwise, you can opt to use standard geographical targeting options such as city, region or country.

To reach people around your business:

  1. First, you will need to upload your business locations. Learn how you can add your business locations.
  2. After you've successfully added your business locations, go to Ads Manager andchoose the Store Visits objective.
  3. Under the Business locations section, choose Create a location set. A location set is a collection of shops that you've chosen to target as a group.
  4. Select the country of your business location and then add specific shop locations within the country you've selected.
  5. Choose the radius around each of your business locations that you want to reach people in. You can either select Automatic radius to allow us to automatically set a radius around your shop locations, or choose Fixed radius to reach people within a fixed distance to one of your locations.
  6. Give your location set a unique name.
  7. Once you've finished, click Save.
Note: After you've created and saved a location set, you will be able to reuse it in future campaigns.

Tip: Make sure that you remember to set your business location opening hours as we won't show shops in ads that are permanently closed. Also ensure that the areas you selected have businesses located inside them.

Edit your business locations

Select Edit business locations to modify the location list or radius/target area settings. Your location set for your campaign will automatically default to your business locations in your chosen country.

  1. You can only run a Store Visits campaign in one country per ad set. Make sure that you have the right country selected before selecting your business locations.
  2. Browse all locations within a selected country by clicking on the country name, then filter down on the state, regions and cities.
  3. You can remove single locations using the cross icon on the right.
  4. To re-add your removed locations, use the Add all locations link.
  5. The locations summary and map on the right will reflect the edits that you make.
  6. Each business location will have a standard targeting radius set to 50 miles or 50 km (whatever distance unit is preferred by the user). You can remove any locations you don't want included in your campaign. You might also change the radius around your shops to target more/fewer people, or if you know how far your customers are willing to travel. We will remember this selection for the next time you create an ad.
Tip: If you haven't uploaded business locations yet, learn how to edit and add business locations in Business Manager.

Adding business locations in bulk

  1. Select the Adding locations in bulk to begin. Before using this option, ensure that you have selected the country and set your radius options. The country selection will be locked to what you had previously selected.
  2. Use the toggle to remove locations that we can't measure yet for store visits.
  3. You can add multiple store locations by their store number, postcode or designated market areas (DMAs). Note that DMAs is only available when selecting United States.
  4. Ensure that you enter only one store number or one postcode per line. Include any spaces in your postcodes. If you receive an error, or the number of selected locations doesn't match up, some of the common reasons why this would happen is if:
    • Store numbers are not valid
    • Locations are not published and open
  5. Save your Location set once you've finished.
Note: This Location Set can only be used for this ad. Location sets can't be saved and reused in future ads.

Target people using radius options for business locations

You can set the area around each of your business locations depending on who you want to target. There are two radius options to choose from:

  • By distance from location (Note that using a small radius size may decrease your potential audience size).
  • By audience size

When Radius by audience size is selected, a dynamic radius location is selected to ensure that we reach an even amount of people, no matter the population density. We've preset this to 100,000 people.

You can also set a maximum distance for your radius. But note that you might not reach your potential audience in all locations if the distance is too low.

Note: Optimisation will automatically be set to Daily unique reach, unless the new store visits reporting and optimisation has been set up for your account. More info on Store Visits reporting and optimisation. Select automatic placement to place your ad on Instagram too. Learn more about automatic placements.

Putting together the ad

At the ad level, you can use one creative template for all your locations. The template allows your ad to show different content depending on the shop location that is closest to the person seeing it.

  1. Choose between a carousel with multiple images or videos, a single image, video or slideshow. If you're publishing your ad on Instagram as well, use a single image only.
  2. Below Ad voice, choose whether the ad will come from your main or local Page.
  3. Use dynamic text tokens to pull in relevant text for each location by clicking .
  4. If you chose a carousel, you can tick the Add map card with your page location box. This adds a shop locator map that will be shown within your ad. The shop locator map will automatically show people using the Facebook app on their mobile the closest shop to them in your campaign.
  5. Add dynamic call-to-action buttons such as Get Directions and Call Now. The buttons will use the information given on your individual locations Pages.
  6. Click Place Order in ad creation.

Measuring Store Visits objective

Our methodology for calculating store visits is based on a range of measurement signals.

To view how each of your locations is performing, go to Ads Manager, where you'll see reach, impressions, CPM and spend broken down by business location.

If the new Store Visits reporting and optimisation has been set up for your account, in Ads Manager you'll be able to see views, store visits, cost per store visit and audience demographics for store visitors if there are over 100 visits.

You can also explore People nearby who saw your ads in the Local section of your Page Insights below Ad performance.

Learn more about eligibility for store visits reporting and optimisation.

Store visits overview

* Nguồn: Facebook