Publishing a Facebook Page for each business location


There are many advantages to publishing a Facebook Page for each of your business locations. Here are some of them:

  • Customers can find your location Pages using search engines.
  • A map with locations will appear on your brand Page, helping customers find locations near them. Locations will also be listed below the Locations tab.
  • Customers can leave reviews on each location Page.
  • You can offer localised content and adverts and gain localised data insights.
  • Admin role management will be easy, as an admin of the brand Page automatically becomes an admin of all of the location Pages. Learn about Page roles
  • You can choose to feed your brand Page posts into each location Page, so you don't need someone to manage and post for each business location. Learn more
  • You may be eligible for store visits reporting. Learn more

Managing location Pages doesn't have to be hard work. Learn how to toggle your settings here

Here's how to create location Pages:

How to add and edit business locations from your Facebook Page

How to add and edit business locations in Business Manager

How to upload business locations using a spreadsheet in Business Manager

* Nguồn: Facebook