Managing your Facebook location Pages


Facebook is becoming a place for local discovery; in fact, people on Facebook are likely to already be discussing your business on user-generated Facebook Pages. Setting up location Pages for your shop gives you more control over your brand and helps customers find and interact with your business 24/7. You'll also be able to run some of our localised ad formats, such as location extensions and the Store Visits objective. Here's how to set up location Pages

Once these location Pages are set up, managing them doesn't have to be hard work:

  • You'll get brand Page notifications when people leave messages, ratings, reviews, likes, check-ins and posts on your location Pages. To see them, go to Notifications at the top of the brand Page, then Locations on the left. If your local teams don't have the bandwidth to manage their location Pages, this helps you track what needs to be done in one place.
  • You can toggle your settings to manage how people interact with each location Page; for example, only allowing messages, posts and reviews on your brand Page.

Your posts

By default, posts from your brand Page will feed into new location Pages.

This doesn't stop you posting location Page-specific content as and when you want to. For example, you might want to post about shop-specific promotions and events.

You can customise these settings. Learn more

Visitor posts and messages

By default, when you create a new location Page, visitors won't be allowed to post on its Timeline or send a message to it.

If you would like to allow visitors to do this, go to the location Page and click Settings at the top. Click Edit for options.

By default, people can post ratings and reviews on new location Pages.

Reviews help customers learn more about your business and may make your Page easier to find in Facebook search. Anyone logged into Facebook can publish a review on your Page, see your Page's star rating and see reviews shared publicly.

Learn how to disable ratings and reviews

Profile pictures

We will automatically use the same profile picture and cover photo for all your new location Pages.

These can be updated if you wish. To change the pictures, go to each location Page and click on the photos.

Location Page names

Location Page names need to follow our naming conventions, but you can edit their location descriptors.

How can I update the location description of my location Pages?

Admin roles

Admins of the brand Page automatically become admins of your location Pages. Learn more

Likes and check-ins

People can "like" each location Page. The number of likes will be counted from zero on new location Pages.

People can also check in on each location Page. The number of "check-ins" is counted on the right on each location Page. We add up the total number of check-ins on your brand Page, also on the right.

Claiming unmanaged Pages

If user-generated/unmanaged Pages exist, you might be able to claim them. Learn more

How can I proactively moderate content published by visitors on my Page?

How do I advertise for a post on my main location Page?

Can I have a location structure within a global Page structure?

Can I change my location's Page name?

Should I publish a Facebook Page for each business location?

How to add and edit business locations in Business Manager

How to upload business locations using a spreadsheet

How to add and edit business locations from your Facebook Page

* Nguồn: Facebook