Set up conditional answers for your lead ads instant form


About conditional answers

When you create an instant form on Facebook, you can add a set of questions that you'd like the people who are filling in your form to answer. You can choose from a set of standard questions that are pre-filled based on information people have already given to Facebook or create custom questions. When creating custom questions, you can ask about specific things you care about. For example, a car dealership might ask, "What's your car's make?" and provide a set of possible answers or a free-form answer field.

You'll also have the option to use conditional answers. With conditional answers, you can create a set of custom answers that appear based on how someone answered a previous question. For example, say you sell t-shirts and pullovers. The first question on your form might be, "Would you like a t-shirt or a pullover?" Within your inventory, you only stock red t-shirts and yellow t-shirts, and green pullovers and black pullovers. Let's say the person filling in your form answers "t-shirts" in your first question. In your second question, you ask, "Which colour would you like?" As the person selected "t-shirts", you'll use conditional answers to only show them answer options for red or yellow.

There are a couple of things to bear in mind about conditional answers:

  • All of your form respondents will see the same questions in the same order.
  • Only the answers will change based on previous responses – not the questions.
  • Conditional answers require you to upload a CSV file with UTF8 encoding.

Setting up your CSV file

Before you can add conditional answers to an instant form, you'll need to create a CSV file. Your CSV file must follow the formatting shown in the example below.

Step 1) In row 1 on your spreadsheet, you'll add the questions you'd like to ask. You should only add one question per column. The three questions our example advertiser would like to ask are:

  1. Would you like a t-shirt or a pullover? (Column A)
  2. Which colour would you prefer? (Column B)
  3. Which size would you like? (Column C)

Step 2) Next, make sure you leave row 2 blank. This is a formatting requirement. Your CSV won't upload properly if you don't leave this blank.

Step 3) In row 3 and all subsequent rows, you'll add all of the answer possibilities for each question. In the table below, you can see that each question corresponds to a specific column and each question has multiple answer possibilities.

1Would you like a t-shirt or a pullover? Which colour would you prefer? Which size would you like?

The first question has two possible responses: t-shirt or pullover. The second question also has two possible responses based on the answer selected in the first question. If the person selected t-shirt, the options are red or yellow. And the third question has three possible answers: small, medium or large.

Setting up conditional answers

You can set up conditional answers in ad creation.

To create conditional answers:

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. Choose lead generation as your objective.
  3. Fill in the details of your lead ad. At the very least, you'll need to select a Page before you can reach the Instant form section at the ad level. Take a look at our comprehensive instructions on how to set up an instant form.
  4. In the Instant form section, click + New form.
  5. On your instant form, click Questions.
  6. Click + Add Custom Question and select Conditional
  7. Click Upload CSV File.
  8. If your CSV file has been set up correctly, you should now see a list of Question fields that include the questions from your CSV files, and you'll see drop-down menus directly below them that include the answers from your CSV file. If you run into an issue, refer back to the Setting up your CSV file section above.
  9. Once finished, continue filling in the rest of your instant form.
  10. Click Save to save a draft of your instant form, or click Finish to complete your instant form.
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* Nguồn: Facebook