Introductory guide: Drive website sales with your pixel


If you've implemented a pixel and want to drive website sales but are getting less than 100 monthly pixel events, this is the right guide for you. It shows you how to build up the data and online customer base you need before you can start driving sales through conversion optimisation.

If you have the necessary data and customer base already, read our intermediate or advanced guides instead.

Drive traffic to drive sales

If there aren't enough people visiting your website (as indicated by fewer than 500 monthly pixel events occurring on it), it's difficult to drive sales there. So before you can drive sales, you have to drive people to your website. Doing so will generate pixel data that you'll soon be able to use for conversion optimisation.

Start running ads that use the traffic marketing objective and are optimised for landing page views. This can drive people to your website, which will generate pixel data and build up a customer base.

Create the right target audience

Targeting ads to the right audience is crucial to your success. Here are some tips for how to get this right:

  • Use data file Custom Audiences. If you have a data file with a list of your existing customers and their information, you can upload that to Facebook. We then try to find those people and show your ads to them. This is the easiest way to reach your existing customers, especially those who may not engage with your business online yet.
  • Reach people based on their demographic information. Create an audience based on demographic information that's specific, but not overly restrictive. If you're too specific, your audience may be too small to find any results. If you're too broad, you may end up with lots of cheap results that are ultimately meaningless (e.g. people who click your ad but will never buy anything on your website because they're not actually looking to buy what you're selling). It's better to pay more for meaningful results than less for meaningless ones. (This type of targeting is especially useful if you don't have a data file to use for a Custom Audience. You can also try to use both at the same time on different ad sets to see which works better – but we recommend against using both on the same ad set.)

    To create a useful audience based on demographic information, ask yourself questions such as:

    • Where are my customers? If you're a local business or can only deliver items to certain places, don't target, say, an entire country. Target your local area or the areas you can deliver to.
    • Who are my customers? Think about what basic traits your customers may have in common. Are they likely to be older or younger? Are they likely to be a particular gender? Where are they likely to live?
    • What language do my customers speak? Facebook doesn't translate your ad copy into other languages, so make sure that the audience you're targeting can read your ad using appropriate language targeting choices.
    • Do I have better insight into a given type of targeting than Facebook would? This can be difficult to know in every situation, but when you think you have information that we don't have, you should provide that information through targeting to help us find the best people to show your ads to. If you don't think you'd know better than Facebook, then you shouldn't add that to your targeting criteria. Bear in mind that Facebook's delivery system is trying to show your ads to the people most likely to get you the result you're optimising for, no matter how broad your targeting is. Because of this, ill-informed targeting choices that restrict our delivery system could end up hurting performance rather than helping it.
    • Am I excluding strategically too? Including additional targeting criteria is helpful, but don't ignore your ability to exclude too. Doing so can help us hone in on the right people faster.
    • Am I using Audience Insights to guide me? If you're really unsure of who to target, but also don't want to leave optimisation up to Facebook's delivery system alone, use Audience Insights. It can show you relevant information about your target audience that can help you refine your targeting as well as your creative.
    If demographic targeting alone is not working, try incorporating detailed targeting too.

Choose the right bid strategy

Another area that can be difficult for advertisers is choosing a bid strategy. At this stage, for most advertisers, we recommend using the lowest cost bid strategy without a bid cap. This will keep things simple and manageable while you build up data and customers.

Next steps

If you apply these strategies, you should eventually be able to get at least 500 pixel events on your website each month. Once you've done so, read our intermediate guide on how to start optimising for conversions.

* Nguồn: Facebook