Set up exclusions for your dynamic ads audience


With audience exclusions, you can set up targeting rules to avoid showing some products in your dynamic ads to people in your audience. For example, you could set up a targeting rule that excludes purchases from your website in the past 30 days. You can create audience exclusions when you're retargeting people who visited and took action on your website or in your app, or when you're targeting a broad audience.

Audience exclusion basics

To exclude people from your dynamic ads audience, you need to set up an exclusion. Bear in mind that exclusions are based on products in your catalogue; not based on the people in your audience. Even if someone in your audience has previously purchased a product from your catalogue, it doesn't mean that they are automatically excluded from your ads.

For example, you decide to target people who viewed products on your website but didn't purchase anything within the past 28 days.

Alice visits your website and views three products from your catalogue. She decides to purchase two of the products. Because not all products were purchased, Alice remains in the audience. If she decides to buy the third product, she will then be excluded from the audience.

Note: If you use the Marketing API, you can update your exclusion targeting to possibly exclude all people who have made a purchase from your catalogue. Learn more about creating audience rules with the API.

Add exclusions when retargeting an audience

  1. Go to ad creation and start creating your dynamic ad.
  2. When you select your audience, choose Use info from your pixel or app to create a retargeting audience.

  3. Choose Custom combination.

  4. Select a product set from your catalogue that you want to promote.
  5. Select the action(s) and number of days of data for the action(s) that you want to include in your audience.
  6. Select the action(s) and number of days of data for the action(s) that you want to exclude from your audience.
  7. (Optional) Click Show advanced options if you want to add additional targeting options (such as adding a Custom Audience or targeting a specific location).

Add exclusions when targeting a broad audience

  1. Go to ad creation and start creating your dynamic ad.
  2. When you select your audience, choose Define a broad audience and let Facebook optimise who sees your products.

  3. Choose your targeting options, such as the location, age and gender.

  4. Click Show advanced options to refine your audience and exclude people less likely to take action on your ads. You can choose these exclusion types:
    • Exclude people who purchased: Don't show ads to people who purchased products from your product set in a specific number of days.
    • Create a custom exclusion: Don't show ads to people who took an action on products in your product set. Click the drop-down menus to select the action that you want to exclude and the product set that you want to use.

* Nguồn: Facebook