Reach a broad audience with dynamic ads for products

Creating dynamic ads for travel (hotels)? You can now use broad audience targeting to find people who've expressed interest in booking hotel rooms. Learn more about broad audience targeting for dynamic ads for travel (hotels).

With broad audience targeting, you can reach people who've expressed interest in your products (or products similar to yours), even if they haven't visited your website or app yet. When you target a broad audience, people in this audience automatically see products from your catalogue that are probably relevant to them.

Requirements for broad audiences

  • Facebook pixel: You'll need a Facebook pixel implemented on your website, and will need to use standard events to report which product IDs from your catalogue are being viewed, added to basket and purchased. You may need to work with a website developer to set up your Facebook pixel and standard events.
  • Catalogue: You'll need a catalogue to use dynamic ads. If you don't have one yet, learn how to create a catalogue. In many cases, you can use an existing feed from other online shopping portals with one of Facebook's third party integrations.

Choose a broad audience

To use a broad audience in your dynamic ads:

  1. Go to ad creation and start creating your dynamic ad.
  2. When you select your audience, choose Define a broad audience and let Facebook optimise who sees your products.
  3. Choose your targeting options, such as the location, age and gender.
  4. Click Show advanced options to refine your audience and exclude people less likely to take action on your ads. You can choose from:
    • No exclusions: You won't exclude any people from your audience based on how they interact with your products.
    • Exclude people who purchased: You won't show ads to people who purchased products from your product set in a specific number of days.
    • Create a custom exclusion: Don't show your ads to people based on custom rules you set.

Broad audience tips

Audience selection

  • Use ad targeting options such as location and demographics.
  • Avoid using Lookalike Audiences and detailed behavioural & interest-based ad targeting as these may limit your ad's delivery.

Audience exclusions

  • Exclude people who've already purchased from your product set. With exclusions, you can set rules for who should be excluded from your set. In general, it's recommended to exclude people who've purchased a product from you in the last ten days.
  • Avoid excluding all of your website visitors. Even if you're using broad ad targeting to reach potential new customers, it's a good idea to include some people who've interacted with your website because it will help train the model that Facebook uses to determine who to show your dynamic ads to.


  • Optimise your ads for conversions on your standard event. Currently, the events you can optimise for are Purchase, Add-to-basket and Registration.


  • Choose creative that's relevant to new customers or people who've never visited your site. Avoid using creatives that you haven't tested yet.
  • A fixed card can be used when it's relevant to every item in your product set. Avoid using a fixed card if your product set is broad.

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* Nguồn: Facebook