Retarget an audience with dynamic ads for products


With retargeting for dynamic ads, you can remind people about the products that they've browsed on your website or in your mobile app but didn't purchase. When you retarget people with dynamic ads, people automatically see the products (or similar products) that they saw on your website or in your app.

Requirements for retargeting

  • Facebook pixel/app events: You need a Facebook pixel implemented on your website, and use standard events to report which product IDs from your catalogue are being viewed, added to basket and purchased. If you want to retarget people in a mobile app, you can set up app events. If you're not sure how to set up a pixel or app events, consider getting in touch with a website developer.
  • Catalogue: You need a catalogue to use dynamic ads. If supported, you can use an existing data feed from one of Facebook's integrations (e.g. Shopify). If you don't have a catalogue, learn how to create a catalogue.

Retarget an audience

To retarget an audience with dynamic ads:

  1. Go to ad creation and start creating your dynamic ad.
  2. When you select your audience, choose Use info from your pixel or app to create a retargeting audience.

  3. Choose a retargeting option:
    • Viewed or added to basket but not purchased Promote products from your catalogue to people who viewed or added those products to their basket.
    • Added to basket but not purchased Promote products from your catalogue to people who added those products their basket.
    • Upsell products: Upsell products from your catalogue to people who viewed products from your product set.
    • Cross-sell products: Cross-sell products from your catalogue to people who viewed products from your product set.
    • Custom combination: Promote products from your catalogue to a Custom Audience based on how people interacted with your products. If you choose this option, you can select the audience interactions taken by selecting inclusions and exclusions. For example, you could include people who added products to their basket in the last 45 days and exclude people who purchased products in the last 45 days.
  4. Enter the number of days where the action occurred for your retargeting option.
  5. (Optional) Click Show advanced options to add a Custom Audience or Lookalike Audience to your targeting.

Retargeting tips

Audience exclusions

  • Audience exclusions in a custom combination are at the product level, meaning that the exclusion looks at the product that the person interacted with on your website or in your mobile app. For example, if your custom combination is "added to basket in the last 45 days, but not purchased in the last 45 days", any products that were added to the basket and purchased in the last 45 days are excluded from ads shown to the person.
  • Unless you run a subscription service, exclude people who have made a recent purchase from your ads so that you can focus on acquiring new customers. If purchasers haven't visited your website in a while, you can re-engage them with a different dynamic ads campaign.
Audience segmentation

  • Audiences who visited your website or app in the past day may be more valuable to your business than audiences who visited 14 days ago. Consider segmenting your audience by the time since their last action so you can set different bids based on their value to your business. Segmentation factors can include action types, time periods, device types and product categories. Create an ad set for each audience segment to vary bids, decide when each audience type sees your ads and see metrics by audience.

  • Reach people who recently purchased an item from your inventory through cross-selling, or reach existing shoppers with a complimentary product set or a higher value item through upselling. Learn more about cross-selling and upselling your inventory.
Retention windows

  • Increase your audience size by changing your audience retention window. Extending your retention window to a longer period of up to 30 or 90 days allows you to reach even more people. Target all devices and use the cross-device reports to help understand the value of cross-device conversions, then optimise for conversions along the purchase path.

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook