Troubleshooting offline event upload issues


When you submit an offline event data file for upload, Facebook processes a sample first to make sure that your columns are mapped and your data is formatted correctly. You can see a list of issues that may prevent your data from being accepted and recommendations for resolving them before proceeding with the upload. See below for a list of possible errors, warnings and troubleshooting steps.


  • No sample events were accepted: This error appears when no acceptable events are found after sampling your file, which means you'll probably have few or no events uploaded from this file. For example, your event time may be formatted incorrectly or occurs in the future. Review your data to make sure that you've followed the data preparation best practices and click Back to submit a new file.

  • Low match rate detected: Based on a sample of your data file, your match rate is lower than the average for offline events. Match rate is the percentage of events that were successfully matched to Facebook users out of the total numbers of events provided. Facebook can only use matched events for reporting attribution and creating Custom Audiences. Low match rate typically occurs when the data that you provided has too few customer data fields, or identifiers, to match your customers to people on Facebook. Review your mapping to make sure that you've successfully mapped as many customer identifiers as possible and/or update your file to include additional customer data. Note that even with your current match rate, you can still upload your data to Facebook.

  • Your offline event set is not assigned to an ad account: Your offline event set needs to be assigned to your active ad accounts in order for your offline event data to be matched and attributed to people who saw your ads. Go to Business settings > Offline event sets to assign ad accounts to your offline event set, and enable auto-tracking so that all new ads in those ad accounts will automatically be tracked as well. Learn about assigning ad accounts with auto-tracking.

    Note: When you assign an ad account to an offline event set, offline event tracking is enabled for that ad account from that date forward. Assigning an ad account now means that you can only attribute events occurring from this date forward; however, you can still upload older events and use them for lift tests, Custom Audiences and analytics.

  • Some of your events occurred more than 90 days ago: Facebook can't use events that occurred more than 90 days ago for attribution reporting or building Custom Audiences. Upload your events more frequently following our offline event data best practices. If possible, you can automate this process using the offline conversions API or a partner integration, otherwise continue to upload offline event data from offline events in Business Manager. Note that you can still upload these events and use them for lift tests, Custom Audiences and analytics.

  • Some sample events were not accepted: Based on a sample of your data file, some events are missing data or contain invalid data. Common issues includes missing event name or event time, or missing or invalid (negative or zero) event value (for purchase events). Click to expand the error to see more details about the issue, and hover over the error icons in each row to learn more. Review your data file to make sure that it follows our data preparation best practices, and click Back if you need to review your data mapping and/or submit a new file.

  • Some of your events occurred more than 48 hours ago: We recommend uploading offline events within 48 hours after they occurred for optimal reporting. Custom Audiences based on offline event data are also continually refreshed as you upload new data. Uploading offline events regularly and in the order that they occurred (sequentially by date) is a recommended best practice. You can automate this process using the offline conversions API or a partner integration, otherwise continue to upload offline event data from offline events in Business Manager. Note that you can still upload these events and use them for attribution, lift tests, Custom Audiences and analytics.

  • Some of your timestamps are inaccurate: Based on a sample of your data file, a significant number of events are using the same event time. This may cause these events to be counted as duplicates and cause them to be skipped during our de-duplication process, which will negatively impact attribution. When possible, add timestamps that are precise to the minute or second, otherwise use the time that your business closes. Learn more about offline event data best practices and offline event data de-duplication.

  • All sample events have the same value: Based on a sample of your data file, all of the events are showing the same purchase value. If these numbers are inaccurate, they will reduce the accuracy of your reporting and may affect value-based Lookalike Audiences. Providing the actual value of your conversions helps you better understand the return on your ad spend. Make sure that your offline event values are accurate, and click Back if you need to submit a new file.

  • Some events occurred prior to an ad account being assigned: When you assign an ad account to an offline event set, offline event tracking is enabled for that ad account from that date forward. This means that any offline events that occurred prior to that date can't be used for attribution to your ads; however, they can still be used for lift tests, Custom Audiences and analytics. Learn more about assigning ad accounts with auto-tracking.

  • Some sample events have invalid fields: Based on a sample of your data file, some fields contain formatting errors. You can continue with the upload, but any invalid fields will be skipped, which may impact your overall match rate. Review your data file to make sure that it follows our data preparation best practices, and click Back if you need to submit a new file.
Learn more about uploading offline event data.

* Nguồn: Facebook