Measure and improve Page ads


Shortly after promoting your Page, you can see details about its performance. Below you'll see options to view your insights, understand how to measure your ad success and tips to optimise your ad performance.

When you promote your Page, your ads will be optimised to reach people within your audience who are likely to take action on your ad, such as sharing it. If you're promoting your Page, you should have the following goals in mind:

  • To reach more people with your ad.
  • To increase engagement on your post (e.g. more shares, comments, likes, photo clicks, video views etc.).
Bear in mind that your ad may drive multiple positive outcomes such as Page likes. However, these positive outcomes aren't what your boosted post is optimised for and shouldn't be your primary goal. If you're looking to optimise for other outcomes, take a look at the other ads that you can make from your Page.

View insights

  1. Go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Click the Promotions tab and select All ads.
  3. Find your ad and click View results.

The insights you'll see may include some of the following metrics:

  • The number of people reached
  • The number of engagements
  • A breakdown of engagement metrics by action taken (e.g. comments, shares, video views)
  • Demographic breakdowns by age, gender and location

Once your ad has been running for a while, you'll be able to see the number of New likes your Page has received as well as the total number of People reached in the Page ad results box, which states the number of people who have seen your ad.

Improve your Page ad

If you're looking to get better engagement from your ads, here's some tips you can use to help improve your ad's performance:

  • Try targeting different demographics. For example, if you targeted your ad to both men and women but found that the majority of your engagements came from women, then you might want to try targeting just women in the future.
  • Try targeting people who look similar to your current customers: Lookalike Audiences can help you reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your existing customers. Lookalikes are easy to create. You can create them based on the people who already like your Facebook Page, or upload a customer list and create lookalikes based on that. Learn more about Lookalike Audiences.
  • Reach people near your business: If you have a brick-and-mortar location and want to drive engagement from people nearby, try targeting locally. You can target people within a set radius (e.g. 25 miles) around your business.
  • Narrow your audience: The people in the audience that you create are eligible to see your ad, but your budget influences how many people will actually see it. When your budget is too low for the size of your audience, it can make it hard for your ads to compete with other advertisers who can spend more money to reach the same audience. As a result, your ad may reach even fewer people than we predict. To fix this, try creating a new ad with a more tightly focused audience. For example, you may want to limit your targeting to specific locations where you know your customers are. Your budget may not stretch as far if you try to target entire regions or countries.
  • Don't run the same ad for too long: Ads that run for longer than a week or so tend to decline in performance, even if they were initially very successful. We recommend creating a new ad with a new image or text about once a week.
  • Test different creative: If you can, try testing different types of creative. For example, a high-quality video may drive stronger performance than an image.
  • Create different ads: You can create many different types of ads from your Page. For example, if you're looking to drive people to your website, you may want to create an ad using your Page's call-to-action button or an ad to drive clicks to your website. Learn more about the different ads you can create from your Page.

* Nguồn: Facebook