About Page ads


Promoting your Facebook Page is done by creating ads for your Page that will help you grow the awareness and visibility of your business. Promoting a Page is a quick way to reach people who are interested in your content or people who are interested in businesses similar to yours. When you click the blue Promote button on your Page, you'll be prompted with a few different options to help you grow your business. The Promote button options will help connect your business to more of the people who matter to you.

When you promote your Page with an ad, you'll be able to see how your ad will appear in the desktop News Feed, mobile News Feed and the right column on Facebook. Better yet, your ad will appear in all three formats, increasing the likelihood that your ad will reach your desired audience. Depending on your business goal, you might consider using Messenger to follow up with people who contact you after seeing your ad.

Why promote your Page?

Where Facebook offers plenty of advertising platforms and ad types, the Promote feature is done quickly and directly from your Page. We'll automatically pull text and an image to instantly create your ad. All you need to do after we've created your ad is choose your target audience and how much you want to spend.

Features of Page ad

  • Fewer steps in the creation process: Let us pull images and text to create an ad for you, or you can create it yourself to your desired specifications.
  • Audience targeting: Choose who will see your ad by creating Custom Audiences based on things such as location, interests and more. You can also create Lookalike Audiences based on people who've already shown interest in your Page.
  • Many placements: Placements on Facebook represent where your ad will appear. Learn more about Facebook ad placements.
  • Set your own budget: Choose how much or how little you want to spend on each ad. There's no universal cost to promoting your Page, as the amount you pay will always depend on how many people you want to reach and how long you want your ad to last.
  • Detailed filters: You'll have access to more sophisticated bidding and budgeting options with the ad creation tool, accessible directly from your Page.
  • Access to insights: Take a look at how your ad is performing every day and measure your results.

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook