Free tools to grow your business on Facebook


Facebook is much more than a placement for your ads. Facebook operates as your end-to-end partner in developing your brand, growing your business following, and creating, managing and running your ads. This guide explores the many tools you can use to grow your business online.


Pages is a free, one-stop shop to begin your business journey with Facebook. Pages are public profiles for businesses. The most important differentiation from profiles is that with Pages, anyone can see and follow your Page. Profiles, though, require your audience request to be your friend and await your acceptance. In addition, when you have a Facebook Page, you can interact with your audience rather than just advertise to potential customers. Pages are quick to set up and customisable to your liking, easy to manage and act as your online business hub.


More than two billion messages are sent between people and businesses every month on Messenger, both automated and people-initiated. You can use Messenger to reach people at scale, then continue to interact with each of them individually. Whether your customers want to learn about a new product or need to resolve an issue, you can tailor your interactions to meet specific needs and get closer to your business goals. Learn more about the benefits and features of Messenger.

Appointments on Facebook

Appointments on Facebook is a free tool for businesses to manage their appointments directly from their Facebook Page. With Appointments on Facebook, businesses can enable customers to book appointments with local service providers directly on Facebook, reference their record of appointments and manage their calendar at any time. Learn more about Appointments on Facebook.

Stories for your Page

Page Stories are similar to Instagram Stories, allowing you to share content that represents your brand or business directly from your mobile device. Stories is a way for Pages to engage their audience in a more frequent, authentic and casual way to develop deeper connections. Share pictures and short video segments to bring your audience on a journey from start to finish for anything you might be working on or experiencing. This shares with your followers a meaningful look behind the scenes of your business. Learn more about the benefits of Page Stories.

Shop section

If you don't have an online website to sell your products, the Facebook shop tool can help you share your inventory or services. The shop section is a tab that you can add to your Page, which lets you display and sell your products directly on your Page. This makes it easy for your audience to buy directly from their desktop or mobile device. It's ideal for merchants, retail and e-commerce advertisers who want to reach customers on Facebook. The shop section is free to use, and we don't take any percentage of what you earn.


You can go beyond Facebook posts that simply announce promotions by creating a free event for it. Using Events is a great way to get your promotion on someone's calendar. When one of your followers marks that they're interested in an event that you have coming up, such as a sale or a release of a new product, they'll be reminded of the upcoming event for free. Likewise, they'll be reminded on the day of the event, too.


Groups provide a space to communicate about shared interests with certain people, such as people who care about your products and services. Connect and share information with select groups of people like your Page audience, use Groups to start discussion forums and to chat about specific topics and add Events to your group and set up a calendar to stay organised. Learn more about the differences between groups, profiles, Pages and Events. Or, learn how to create a Group.


Whether you're an admin managing a Page or a seasoned advertiser who is just getting started with Facebook advertiser tools, there's a range of advertising options to help you reach your business goals regardless of your advertising experience. If you're a Page admin thinking about getting started with advertising, you can start by boosting posts directly from your Page. If you're an advertiser with complex business goals, you can use Ads Manager where you can view, make changes and see results for each unique campaign you create. Learn more about the differences between boosting posts and Facebook ads.


One of the biggest benefits of running and managing ads with Facebook is the free unlimited access to audience and ad insights. When you run an ad on Facebook, you can go to your Promotions tab to see how it's performing across placements and demographics. When you know that one ad is performing better than a different ad that you've run previously, you can look at the differences between them and deduce which aspects of your ad resonate better with your audience. Perhaps you included a Learn More button and more people clicked it, or your offer for a free consultation incentivised more of your followers to Call Now. Learn about the Promotions tab where you can view your ad insights.

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* Nguồn: Facebook