How to grow your Page audience


It's important to build a Page following of people who are interested in the product, services or content you share. This guide provides best practices to build your audience with people who are most likely to care about your business.

Start with organic brand awareness

Connect with current and new customers by growing your Page's audience. If you aren't sure how to get more people to like and interact with your Page, try these three tips:

  • Share your Page on your personal timeline: Sharing your Page on your personal timeline will let your friends and family know about it. In your post, ask them to like the Page and share it with people who may also be interested in your business. To share your Page, click the Share button directly below your Page's cover photo.
  • Invite friends to like your Page: Try inviting friends you think would be interested in your business to like your Page. Learn how to invite friends.
  • Ask friends to share your Page with their networks:Your friends can help you reach even more people who may be interested in following your Page. Get in touch with them and ask if they'll share a link to your Page in a post on their timeline.

Be more active

This may seem obvious, but many businesses are surprised to find out that they probably need to increase the amount of engagement taking place on their Page. This means admins and advertisers alike should

  • Link and comment on other posts using your Facebook page: Engage with a variety of content across Facebook to make you more visible to both new and existing Page fans and customers.
  • Share more content: Make sure that the content you share on your Facebook Page is relevant to your industry so that the people who follow or like your Page find it meaningful. Explore Page post ideas to jump start more engagement among your audience.
  • Communicate through Messenger: You can use Messenger to reach people at scale, then continue to interact with each of them individually. Whether your customers want to learn about a new product or need to resolve an issue, you can tailor your interactions to meet specific needs and get closer to your business goals.

Use targeted ad campaigns

With a Facebook Page, you can unlock the power of Facebook advertising and create ads that show up on Facebook and Instagram. You can create many different types of ads directly from your Page. Some of these ads may include:

  • Boost posts:You can boost posts you've created from your Page to get them in front of more people and increase the engagement you receive on the posts. Learn more about boosting posts.
  • Promote website:You can promote a post to send people to your website. The post will have a call-to-action button that allows people to click through to a specific page on your website. This is a good choice for people looking to get more views on their website or to send people to a specific page with deals or offers. Learn how topromote your website.
  • Promote Page: If your goal is simply to increase the number of fans, or people who like your Page, you can run an ad tailored to that goal. Learn how to promote your Page.
  • Promote locally:If you're a local business and want to reach people nearby, you can run an ad that targets people in the radius around your business. This can help you spread awareness about your business and find new customers. Learn how to promote your local business.

Leverage Page insights to optimise your ad targeting

Page Insights is a powerful tool that helps you understand more about the people who like your Page and the posts that drive the most engagement. In your Page Insights tab, you can see things such as the interests and age distribution of your Page's audience. You'll also see Insights for actions that people take on your Page (e.g. the number of clicks to your call-to-action button) and engagement metrics for posts you've created. You can use this information to better understand your audience and the content that's most likely to keep them engaged.

Note: It's recommended that you start using Page Insights after you have more than 100 fans. Learn about the top Page insights we recommend keeping a close eye on.

Post when your audience is online

Sharing content when your audience is online is key to higher overall Page engagement. You can find out this information in your Page insights tab and cross examine the results against each campaign you run, as differing campaign can generate unique results. Once you understand more about when your target audience is most active, you can establish a posting schedule or even schedule your posts if you're unavailable to manually publish posts yourself.

Learn more about when you should start advertising on Facebook or take a look at Page posting ideas to keep you active on your Page.

* Nguồn: Facebook