Amount of time you should spend managing your Page


There are only so many hours in a day, so it's important for businesses to figure out how much time they should spend managing their Page. Time spent will vary depending on the type of business and the amount of hours that can be allocated to Page management.

Once your Page is up and running, plan to spend about 7-10 hours a week on Page maintenance and optimisation, depending on your business needs and engagement style. If you already have a fairly large Page audience that frequently engages with your business, such as regular customer conversations in Messenger, you'll probably spend more time responding to people. If this estimated time is an unrealistic figure, you'll quickly discover how to adjust so that you can do what's best for your business.

Other factors to consider

  • Your Page activity: Each business Page has a different audience size with different styles of communication.If you're consistently posting to your Page and receiving a lot of likes, comments and shares from your audience, you're likely to spend more time engaging with them in return.
  • Your business goals: Some businesses are maintaining frequent 1:1 Messenger chats with customers and others are focused on posting regularly to their Page. It's best to define what you're trying to achieve with your Page, whether that's growing your Page following or developing your brand awareness through advertising. Whatever your goals are, they'll probably dictate how much attention you'll end up spending on your Page management.
  • Resources: You may have a team of people helping you manage your business Page or you may be the single admin managing your Facebook Page presence. If there are multiple admins working on your Page, it may make more sense to allocate more time to Page management.

Tips for efficient Page engagement

  • Post scheduling: If you can't be at your computer or present to manage your Page, upkeep your Page activity by scheduling posts to publish while you're away. If you're unsure what to post about to maintain a frequent posting regimen, take a look at post ideas for your Page.
  • Instant replies:Turn on instant replies to send an automated reply to anyone who messages your Page so that you're sure to address anyone who contacts your business.
  • Away messages: Let customers know that you're away and that you'll respond soon by setting up an away message. Also learn how you can earn a "Very responsive" badge for your Page.

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* Nguồn: Facebook