Why advertise on Facebook

Before you can successfully advertise on Facebook, bear in mind that you'll need to have a Facebook Page. Learn more about why your business should create a Page on Facebook.

With two billion monthly active users on Facebook, you might wonder if Facebook advertising is the best course of action to help you grow your business. The following list outlines the many reasons why advertising on Facebook is a smart choice for businesses, whether you're a business that's just getting started on social media or a business that's looking for new ways to grow. Learn more about when you should start advertising.

Anyone can advertise

Whether you're an admin managing a Page or a seasoned advertiser who is just getting started with Facebook advertiser tools, there's a range of advertising options to help you reach your business goals regardless of your advertising experience. If you're a Page admin thinking about getting started with advertising, you can start by boosting posts directly from your Page. If you're an advertiser with complex business goals, you can use Ads Manager where you can view, make changes and see results for each unique campaign that you create. Learn more about the differences between boosting posts and Facebook ads.

Simple setup

  • To get access to Facebook advertising, you need to either 1) create a new Facebook Page or 2) be given the role of advertiser on an existing Facebook Page. Once you're working on a Page, you'll be able to start creating ads from the Page itself or through other Facebook tools such as ad creation. If you don't have a Page, don't worry. Creating a Page is easy.
  • If you've created a profile, group or event for your business but not a Page, that's okay too. It's not too late to transition to a Page.

Your audience is on Facebook

As mentioned, there are two billion people active on Facebook each month. That means you have the opportunity to reach current customers, new customers and people interested in your business or organisation.

Ads tailored to your specific goals

Facebook offers a range of advertising objectives, so you can choose the options that suit your needs and business goals. You should select the advertising objectives that will help you reach your goals. Whether your goal is to drive engagement on a post, send people to your website or find new leads for your business, there's an advertising objective to help you. Learn more about Facebook's advertising objectives.

Simple ad solutions

You can create ads quickly and easily straight from your Facebook Page. To create these types of ads, look for the Promote button on your Page or try boosting a post by clicking the Boost Post button on certain posts. Below are some of the ad solutions you'll find on your Facebook Page:

  • Boosted posts:Boosting a post may help you get more people to like, share and comment on the posts you create. Boosted posts are also a way to reach new people who are probably interested in your content but don't currently follow you on Facebook.
  • Page ad: Promoting your Page may help you get more people to like and follow your Page.
  • Website ad: Promoting your website may help you get more people to visit your website.
  • Promote call-to-action button: People can interact with your Page through your page's call-to-action button. It can be customised to promote your Page's objectives, for example, by allowing visitors to book appointments or make purchases or by leading people to your website. Creating a call-to-action ad helps drive conversions that matter to your Page.
Bear in mind that you may see additional ad options beyond what's listed above. Look at your Page's Promote button to see which options are available for you.

Advanced ad solutions

You can also use Ads Manager to create and manage ads on Facebook. To start creating ads, go to facebook.com/ads/create. With ad creation, you'll unlock more ad types than you can access from your Page. See below for a list of some ad objectives you'll find there.

  • Lead generation: Collect lead information from people who are interested in your business.
  • Conversions: Get people to take valuable actions on your website or app, such as adding payment info or making a purchase. Use the Facebook pixel or app events to track and measure conversions.
  • Brand awareness: Reach people more likely to pay attention to your ads and increase awareness for your brand.
Go to ad creation to see all of the available ad options you can choose from.

Organic reach has a limit

While creating and posting regularly to your Page is a good way to reach new people and your current customers, you may want to consider advertising to expand your reach and grow your online presence more quickly. Today, more and more content is being generated on Facebook, and that means it may be harder to get your content in front of the people you care about most. To keep your audience engaged, reach new people and share your newest products or services, you can advertise on Facebook.

Set reasonable budgets

You can choose advertising objectives that work within your budget and set a custom budget based on the needs of your business. For most ad types, the minimum budget you can spend per day ranges from USD 1 to USD 5. You can also adjust your budget, pause or stop ads as finances change for your business. For extra security, consider setting up an account spending limit. An account spending limit is an overall limit on the amount of money that your ad account can spend across all ad campaigns. Setting an account spending limit can be a helpful way to control your costs and make sure that you don't spend more on ads than you want to. Learn how to create an account spending limit.

Ads are scalable across social media

Facebook ads are integrated across social media platforms. When you advertise with Facebook, you can show your ads in places beyond News Feed. Depending on where you create your ad and the type of ad you create, you can choose to show your ads on Instagram, Messenger and Audience Network. This means that your ads may reach people whether they're on Facebook or a different app or website entirely. Learn more about Facebook's ad placements.

Targeting capabilities

Facebook ads can be targeted to people by location, age, gender, interests, demographics, behaviour and connections. You can also use more advanced targeting tools such as Lookalike Audiences, which lets you target people similar to the people who already engage with your business, or you can layer your targeting options to select a more specific audience. Learn more about Facebook's ad targeting options.

Choose from multiple ad creatives

When you advertise on Facebook, you'll have the option to run ads that include creative such as videos, images, slideshows, carousels, collections or canvases. You can pick the creative that works best for your brand and audience. Plus, you can use Facebook's measurement tools to learn how much people engage with your ads based on your creative. Learn more about Facebook's creative ad formats.

Measure your success

Each ad that you create can be measured using insights, metrics and tools provided by Facebook. With Facebook's measurement tools, you can understand the effectiveness of your ads and the creative that drives the best results. You can also access tools that help you find your audience and reach more people you care about. Read more about Facebook's ad measurement solutions.

Helpful notifications

Facebook provides emails and notifications about your ads. Notifications may include alerts about when your ads are approved, when a new report is ready to be viewed, when you have a low account balance and more. You can change your notification preferences at any time. You may also be eligible for tips and notifications from the Facebook Business bot in Messenger. The bot lets you know when one of your ads has ended and shares easy entry points to re-boost ads.

Facebook moves fast

If you want to keep up with the latest advertising features available, there are several resources that you can use to stay informed.

  • Advertiser Help Centre: The Ads Help Centre is a one-stop shop for comprehensive education and tips on how to use Facebook's ad products.
  • Blueprint: If you have extra time and want to immerse yourself in courses that will help you take your advertising up a notch, consider trying Blueprint.

* Nguồn: Facebook