Choose the right objective for your app ads



Facebook has three different advertising objectives that you can choose from when you want to run ads for an app: App Installs, Traffic and Conversions. Each objective is designed to help you achieve a specific business goal, so it's important to choose an objective that aligns with your goals. This article is an overview of these objectives and a guide for how to choose the right one for your business goals.

For example, if you're running ads for a brand new mobile app with very few users, you might start with a goal of increasing the number of people who install your app. For this, you can use the App Installs objective to deliver ads to people who are most likely to download your app. You can also use the App Installs objective to optimise for app events or purchase value.

As soon as more people have downloaded the app, it's important to encourage them to use your app more often. The Traffic objective is designed to get people who have downloaded your app to re-open it and start using it again.

If your goal is to get more people to do specific things within your app when they're using it, such as making a purchase or achieving a new level in a game, you'll want to choose the Conversions objective.

As your app grows, your business goals are likely to change and your advertising objective should change with them. Bookmark this guide and revisit it when you create a new ad campaign to make sure that you're choosing the right objective for your evolving business goals.

Match your objective to your business goal:

Business goal:

Get more people to install your app, optimise for app events or attract your highest-value customers with value optimisation.


You have a brand-new food delivery app and you want people to install it.

What you'll need:

  • An app that's registered on the Facebook for Developer's site. Register your app here.
    • You can still run ads through the App Installs objective for an app that isn't registered, but your ads will automatically optimise for link clicks (people clicking on your ad) instead of App Installs (people installing your app).
  • An ad account that's linked to the app you want to promote. Your app developer or anyone who has administrative privileges in your registered Facebook app can link ad accounts to an app under "Settings > Advanced" in the app's app dashboard.
    • You can still run ads for an app using the App Installs objective even if your ad account isn't linked to it, but your ads will automatically optimise for link clicks (people clicking on your ad) instead of App Installs (people installing your app).
  • The Facebook SDK and app events. Learn more about the SDK and app events on the Facebook for Developers site.
    • You'll need to integrate the SDK and add app events if you want to optimise for installs, app events or value. You'll also need the SDK if you want to measure and track installs, app events or value.

Steps to using the App Installs objective:

  1. Make sure that you have everything you'll need to optimise for either installs, app events or value.
  2. Select the App Installs objective in Ads Manager and click Continue.
  3. Select your app by specifying which app store it's available in and then selecting your app from the drop-down menu.

    • If the app you're promoting has several different versions available in different countries, you can also specify a country to make sure that you're promoting the right country version of the app.
    • If you can't find your app in the drop-down menu, enter its exact app store URL.
  4. Finish creating your ad campaign. Learn more about creating app ads.

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Traffic objective

Business goal:

You want to get more people who have already downloaded your app to re-open and use it.

Note: App ads created using the Traffic objective are often called app engagement ads because they focus on engaging people who have already installed your app. There are two types of engagement ads for apps: Traffic objective app ads and Conversion objective app ads. The Traffic objective focuses on engaging people by getting them to re-open and use your app, while the Conversion objective focuses on engaging people by getting them to use your app in specific ways, such as making purchases or achieving a new level in a game.


You want to make sure that the people who have installed your food delivery app on their phones are going back to it and re-opening it. Or: You have a popular news app and you want to encourage more people to open it and read your latest headlines.

What you'll need:

  • An app that's registered on the Facebook for Developers site. Register your app here.
    • Creating ads and tracking your results is easier when you register your app with Facebook. It's a preliminary step to integrating the SDK and logging app events so that you can accurately measure your results.
  • An ad account that's linked to the app you want to promote. Your app developer or anyone who has administrative privileges in your registered Facebook app can link ad accounts to an app under "Settings > Advanced" in the app's app dashboard.

Steps to using the Traffic objective for app ads:

  1. Select the Traffic objective in Ads Manager and click Continue.
  2. Click to select "App".
  3. Select the app that you want to promote from the drop-down menu.

    • If you're not seeing your app in the drop-down menu, make sure that your ad account is linked to the app. You'll want someone who has administrative access to the app, such as a developer, to add your ad account in the app's app dashboard. Learn how to link your ad account to an app on the Facebook for Developers site.
  4. Finish creating your ad campaign. Learn more about creating app engagement ads.


  • Work with your app developer or a Facebook mobile measurement partner to integrate the Facebook SDK and log app events. The Facebook SDK lets you pass data from your app to Facebook so that you can track and measure app events or actions that people take within your app, and lets you accurately measure the results of your ads.
  • The Traffic objective is optimised to get people to re-open your app after installing it. If you want people to download your app, choose the App Installs objective instead. If you want people to take a specific action after opening your app, such as making a purchase, choose the Conversions objective instead.
Conversions objective

Business goal:

You want people who have already downloaded and launched (opened for the first time) your app to take a specific action within your app, such as making a purchase or achieving a new level in a game. The Conversions objective lets you encourage paying customers to spend more, non-paying customers to begin spending or lapsed customers to return to the app and spend again.

Note: App ads created using the Conversions objective are often called app engagement ads because they focus on engaging people who have already installed your app. There are two types of engagement ads for apps: Traffic objective app ads and Conversion objective app ads. The conversion objective focuses on engaging people by getting them to use your app in specific ways, such as making purchases or achieving a new level in a game. The Traffic objective focuses on engaging people by getting them to re-open and use your app.


You want to get more people who have downloaded your food delivery app to start ordering food through the app or you want to get more people who haven't ordered food in a while to order food again.

What you'll need:

  • An app that's registered on the Facebook for Developers site. Register your app here.

    • Registering your app is a preliminary step to integrating the SDK and logging app events so that you can accurately measure your results.
  • An ad account that's linked to the app you want to promote. Your app developer or anyone who has administrative privileges in your registered Facebook app can link ad accounts to an app under "Settings > Advanced" in the app's app dashboard.

Steps to using the Conversions objective for app ads:

  1. Select the Conversions objective in Ads Manager.
  2. Name your campaign.
  3. Select "None of these apply" under the Key result drop-down menu.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Select "App".
  6. Choose an app event, or the action that you want to encourage people to take, by typing in the name of the event you care about. You can also click on the "Choose an app event" text box to see a list of the app events you are currently logging through the SDK. If you don't see the app event you want, check with your developer or Facebook mobile measurement partner to make sure that you're logging the correct events.
  7. Finish creating your ad campaign. Learn more about creating app engagement ads.

Other resources:

Learn more about what you can do with Facebook app ads.

Create an ad

* Nguồn: Facebook