Use monthly invoicing to pay for your Facebook ads
If your business is set up for monthly invoicing, there are a few ways in which you can use it to pay for Facebook ads. This article covers:
- Adding monthly invoicing as the payment method of existing ad accounts and new ones.
- Frequently asked questions about monthly invoicing and how it works.
Add monthly invoicing as a payment method
If your business is set up for monthly invoicing, you can use it as the primary payment method of ad accounts already connected to your Business Manager or new ones that you create from Business Manager.
- Go to your payment settings in Ads Manager.
- In the Payment method section, click Add Payment Method.
- Select Payment method from Business Manager.
- Click Continue.
- Select the monthly invoicing option that you want to use and then click Continue.
- Follow the instructions for making monthly invoicing the primary payment method of your ad account.
Note: If you have multiple ad accounts, make sure that you switch to the one that you want to work on first.
Once you've finished, your new payment method will be saved and you'll return to Ads Manager.
- Go to the Ad accounts section of your business settings.
- Click + Add.
- Click Create a New Ad Account.
- Fill in the information for creating a new ad account. Bear the following in mind:
- In the Currency field, make sure that you select the currency that matches the one you used to set up monthly invoicing. If you don't, you won't be able to use monthly invoicing as the payment method of your new ad account.
- In the Payment method drop-down menu, select the monthly invoicing option that you want to use.
- In the P.O. number field, enter a P.O. number that you want to use for your new ad account (optional). Learn more about what a P.O. number is used for.
- Click Create Ad Account.
Your new ad account will be created, and monthly invoicing will be its primary payment method.
Frequently asked questions
To avoid confusion between monthly invoicing spending limits and account spending limits, the exact value of the monthly invoicing spending limit isn't displayed in Business Manager. Bear in mind that your monthly invoicing spending limit doesn't indicate the maximum amount of what you can spend without making a payment and it isn't equal to your campaign budget.
We strive to support account spending levels, but in certain circumstances, accounts may reach their monthly invoicing limit. The best way to keep your campaigns up and running is to pay off all invoices within 30 days of their issue date and communicate any planned increase in spend to your Facebook account representative.
Monthly invoicing is always set up in a single currency and can only be used by ad accounts in that same currency. If you'd like to use monthly invoicing to purchase ads in a different currency, please contact your Facebook account representative.
If you want to change an ad account's payment method from monthly invoicing to something else (e.g. a credit or debit card), you'll first need to ensure that all your invoices are fully paid and you don't have any unpaid balance. This includes ad costs for the current month that haven't been invoiced yet. Once you do this, you can then change your ad account's primary payment method.
More resources
* Nguồn: Facebook