View Performance for Ads That Click to Messenger


You can track messaging conversations started and other business outcomes that result from your Messenger campaigns.

View ad performance for ads that click to Messenger

To view performance and engagement metrics for ads that click to Messenger in Ads Manager:

  1. Open Ads Manager.
  2. Select Customize Columns within Ads Manager.
  3. Select Messaging Engagement. There you'll see:
    • Messaging Conversations Started: The number of times people started messaging your business after at least 7 days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.
    • New Messaging Connections: The number of messaging conversations that began with people who had never sent a message to your business before, attributed to your ads.
  4. If your campaign is tracking other events, such as Facebook pixel or app events, this information is also reported in Ads Manager.

* Nguồn: Facebook