Make it simpler to select and edit content by locking, grouping, and hiding artwork.
Hide content to make selections
- To make selecting other artwork simpler, hide selected artwork by choosing Object > Hide > Selection, or pressing Option+3 (macOS) or Alt+3 (Windows) on the keyboard.
- To show all hidden artwork, choose Object > Show All.
Lock content to make selections
- To lock selected artwork, choose Object > Lock > Selection.
View artwork in Outline mode
- To facilitate selecting content, choose View > Outline to show the artwork as outlines without fills.
- To show the artwork with the original appearance, choose View > Preview (or GPU Preview).
Group artwork
- To group selected content, click the Group button in the Properties panel.
Select content in the group
- If you need to select content within a group, double-click the group with the Selection tool to enter Isolation mode.
- To exit Isolation mode, press the Escape key.