Love without any conditions make me grow more!

I need to say thanks to all of your love and keep it in my mind to remind everyday why I’m so growth more:
- Say thanks to Google (my current Boss): Before “Growth Hacking Training Workshop” in HCM City on December, 05 - 06”, I didn’t know how big Google’s Love for communities over the world. After training, I really understand this big love and why they must do something best, something always free, some big love without any conditions for people around the world. That’s why we have best-free things such as Gmail, Android, Search, Map, Google Doc, Chrome.
- Thank to Marcus, your love for GBG Global so big :), you have given an opportunity to use magical things in marketing (Growth hacking) to make community grow more and grow strong.
- Say thanks to my Teacher - Jon Yongfook, your eBook is so great and actionable with 100 tactics for Growth Hacking ( You inspired me in special way with questions, small game, small talk, some gifts, some cake ;).
- Say thanks to Mr. Dung, you’re always my hero ;). You take care everything, you always looking for special things. You often say special beer, special food, special coffee :). I can’t count how many special word you have been said. I only counted your heart so big :), so strong and so special <3.

- Thank Chamnan Muon,@Orm Rotha, Tú Anh Đỗ,@Vũ Văn Hiển,@Lyda Ngin,@Pich Virak,VanAnh Pham, Samorn Tuon,@Trâm Anh. You have been made a lot of fun, talk, photo for me :), I couldn’t have a great training without you!
- Say thank to my mother, she has missed and desired me so much for coming back home. After that, when I come back, I have carried out a big of dirty cloth for her to clean :-p. I also didn’t buy any special gift for her :(. I know, I’m not a good little son :( but she’s always the best woman in my mind.
Love without any conditions make we Growth more. Receive Love more? we should give more
Some images of workshops "Growth Hacking"