Implement a pixel and/or mobile SDK for dynamic ads for automotive

If you are a developer, visit Facebook for Developers for pixel setup documentation.
To show dynamic ads to people who visited your website or mobile app, you will need to implement the Facebook pixel on your website and/or the Facebook SDK in your mobile app. The pixel and SDK let Facebook know who to deliver your ads to based on the actions that they've taken, such as viewing a specific car or entering payment information. Without this data, dynamic ads would not be able to make good recommendations to the potential customers with a high probability of converting.

Set up or modify your pixel

If you've never set up a pixel: create and add to your website

Create a Facebook pixel

  1. Go to your Pixels tab in Events Manager.
  2. Click Create a Pixel.
  3. To finish creating your pixel, click Create in the box that appears.

Add the Facebook pixel to your website

Once you've created your pixel, you're ready to put the Facebook pixel code on your website. Choose the statement below that best fits how you make updates to your website's code for instructions:

Someone else makes changes to my website

If someone else updates the code in your website, then follow the steps below to email them instructions to set up the Facebook pixel on your site.

  1. Go to the Pixels tab in Ads Manager.
  2. Click Set Up Pixel
  3. Click Email Instructions to a Developer.
  4. Enter the recipient's email address.
  5. Click Send at the bottom of the page.
I update my website's code
  1. Locate the header code for your website
  2. Go to your website's code and find the header of your website.

  3. Copy the entire code and paste it in the header of your website
  4. Paste the code at the bottom of the header section, just above the closing head tag.

  5. Check that your code's working correctly
  6. Click Send Test Traffic after placing the code on your website to make sure your pixel's working properly. If your status says "Active", your base code has been installed correctly. This can take several minutes to update.

My site uses a tag manager or is hosted on a popular website platform

Select your platform or tag manager from this list for an even easier way to set up your pixel. If you can't see your platform here, then take a look at one of the other two ways of setting up your pixel above.

Website platforms:

Tag managers

Learn more about the benefits of using a third-party platform to set up your pixel.

Now that your pixel is set up, let's customise it for vehicles by modifying the pixel on key lower-funnel pages.
If a pixel is set up on your website: modify on key lower-funnel pages
In order to retarget customers at different stages of your purchase funnel, you must modify the Facebook pixel on selected pages. In addition to the code installed on all pages of your website, dynamic ads for automotive requires four custom data events to be added to different pages of your website. Work with your web developer to modify the Facebook pixel for each of the following pages:
  1. ViewContent, to track viewing a vehicle detail page.
  2. Search, to track interest in vehicles.
  3. AddToWishlist, to track vehicles that have been favourited/starred or have experienced an intention to purchase.
  4. Lead, to track submission of a lead.

These events should be accompanied by specific parameters that provide additional, useful information. Note: Required and recommended parameters are listed in the chart below; for a complete list of parameters, visit our developers' site.

On each page, add the appropriate standard events. These standard events must be added exactly as described below, with no variations in spelling or case. Make sure that you're looking at the standard events for the type of inventory you're using; in this case, you'd use the standard events for vehicles.

Standard events

ViewContentSomeone viewed a specific listing
SearchSomeone searched vehicle listings
AddToWishlistSomeone saved, liked or showed special interest in a listing
LeadSomeone contacted an agent about a listing

Event parameters

Field nameTypeRequiredExample
content_idsarray of stringsyes['123', 456]
postal_codestringnoNW1 3FF
preferred_price_range[float (min), float (max)]noPrice range of the vehicle [10000.99, 20000.99]
currencystringnoCurrency for the price. Specified using ISO 4217 currency format, e.g. USD.

On each page, add the appropriate standard events. These standard events must be added exactly as described below, with no variations in spelling or case. Make sure that you're looking at the standard events for the type of inventory that you're using; in this case, you'd use the standard events for automotive.

The content ID reported from the Facebook pixel must correspond to the ID column from the catalogue. You can also send multiple product IDs per page by sending an array.

Refer to the developers' site for definitions and additional formatting requirements for pixel parameters and/or more details on adding these four custom data events.

Refer to our developer site for definitions and additional formatting requirements for pixel parameters.

Using a tag management partner

Many tag management providers have integrated with Facebook to make it easier to set up Custom Audiences from your website and dynamic ads. Please contact your tag management partner directly to learn how to modify your tag to work with Facebook dynamic ads. You can also place the Facebook pixel code directly on your site.

Verify your pixel implementation

We recommend using Facebook's Pixel Helper to verify that your pixel has been set up correctly to use dynamic ads for automotive.

Facebook Pixel Helper

The Facebook Pixel Helper helps you to confirm that your Facebook pixels are working as expected. Learn how to install the Facebook Pixel Helper.

Using Pixel Helper, you can confirm if a Facebook pixel has been added to your website, what standard events are on which pages (e.g. Event ID: ViewContent) and which content_ids are being reported by clicking View Event Log.

Common issues uncovered while testing your pixel

  • Matching your catalogue to your Facebook pixel: If you receive an error stating that the pixel couldn't find a catalogue, you will need to fix your event sources in the catalogue settings. Associating your pixel or app tells Facebook which pixel or app will match which catalogue. To associate your pixel, navigate to the Settings page in Business Manager, click Product Catalogues, select your catalogue and click Associate Sources. Select the pixel or app that you would like to map to this catalogue. If a different team member created the catalogue and then placed the Facebook pixel, you may need to grant admin access (required) to add/update a catalogue's settings.
  • Matching IDs used in feeds and pixels or SDK: If you receive errors stating that products didn't match, it is likely that the product IDs being sent via the pixel for content_ids didn't match products in your catalogue. The content ID reported from the Facebook pixel must be exactly the same as the corresponding ID column from the catalogue.
  • Associate your pixel with your catalogue: If you've set up your dynamic ad for automotive and there is no spend going through, double-check that you've associated an event source group (the pixel) with your catalogue.
      To do this:
    1. In the assets menu, click on Product catalogues. Select your catalogue.
    2. Click on Catalogue settings in the top menu.
    3. At event sources, click on Edit.
    4. Assign pixels and apps to your catalogue.

Implement the Facebook SDK for your mobile app

Starting with the Facebook SDK

You need a Facebook app ID to use the Facebook SDK for iOS, Android or JavaScript (web). You can use an existing app if you already have one. If you do not have an existing app, use our Quick start to create a new one. If you need help, follow our guide on how to register and configure an app.

You will need to add the SDK to your app. Learn more in our getting started guide.

Prior to adding the SDK to your app, read the section below to also integrate the required app events for dynamic ads.

Setting up app events on key lower-funnel pages

To dynamically retarget your app users with relevant products, the same four required events must be added to your app.

EventApp event

For more details on adding these four custom data events, visit our developer site.

Verify your app events

To ensure that your app events are being sent correctly, you can check your recent events in Facebook Analytics for Apps.

Connect your pixel to your catalogue
Set up a catalogue
Learn how to set up a catalogue for dynamic ads for automotive. This is a necessary step for completing this ad format. Once you have a catalogue set up, continue with the steps below to connect your pixel.
Associate an event source group (pixel) with your catalogue

After you've added your pixel and events, you need to associate an event source group (the pixel) with your catalogue. If your setup includes multiple catalogues and pixels, make sure that you properly connect the right pieces together. You can match the pixels with the corresponding vehicle catalogue through Facebook Business Manager:

  1. In the assets menu, click on Catalogues.
  2. Select your catalogue.
  3. Click on Catalogue settings in the top menu.
  4. At event sources, click on Edit.
  5. Assign pixels and apps to your catalogue.

Note: If you are a developer, visit Facebook for Developers for more information on associating your pixel with your catalogue via Business Manager or the API.

Complete your dynamic ad for automotive:

Create an ad template

* Nguồn: Facebook