Using Facebook pixel with your third-party website


Find out how to create a Facebook pixel and set it up on your third-party website by choosing your partner below. If your website runs on a supported platform, you can set up your pixel without having to edit any of your website's code.

Benefits of the Facebook pixel

  • Reach the right people
    Find new customers on Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network. Optimise your ads for people likely to buy after they've visited your site. Learn more about the Facebook pixel.
  • Drive more sales
    Set up automatic bidding to target people who are more likely to take an action you care about, like making a purchase. Learn how to optimise your ad campaign for conversions.
  • Measure the results of your ads
    Understand the sales and revenue that resulted from your ads. Learn about the data you find on your Pixel page in Events Manager.

Benefits of partner integrations

See more benefits of installing a Facebook pixel if you're using a third-party e-commerce site, or if you've built your site with a tag manager that has a Facebook integration available.

Benefits of using a third-party platform integration

If you're running your website on Magento, Shopify or BigCommerce, then you can automatically take advantage of pixel benefits, including advanced advertising solutions such as dynamic ads and conversion optimisation, after installing your pixel.

  • Install your pixel without touching your website's code
    If you use one of our supported third parties, then you can automatically install a pixel that will track activity on every page of your website without having to manually update your website's code.
  • Automatically track the actions people take on your website
    Track what actions your customers are taking as a result of your Facebook ads without having to touch any of your website's code.

    In your ads reporting, you'll be able to automatically see when someone:

    • Views your content
    • Performs a search on your page
    • Adds an item to their basket
    • Adds an item to their wishlist
    • Initiates a checkout
    • Adds their payment information
    • Makes a purchase
    • Is counted as a lead
    • Completes a registration
  • Scale your ad creation and reporting with advanced advertising solutions
    Create ads that are relevant to specific groups of people without having to manually set up each individual ad with dynamic ads. You can also track conversions that happen on your website as a result of your ad with website conversions.
Benefits of using a tag manager
  • Install your pixel without touching your website's code
    If you use one of our supported tag management solutions, then you can add your pixel to support tracking activity on every page of your website without having to manually update your website's code.
  • Choose which actions you want to track
    Tag managers are more flexible, so you can select which actions are tracked and attributed to your campaigns.

Set up a partner integration

Learn how to connect your e-commerce, website platform or tag management partner account to Facebook, and access the advertising and measurement benefits of the Facebook pixel.


Website platformTag management

Other common platforms

  1. Log in to your Website Builder account.
  2. Click Edit site.
  3. Click the three-bar icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen and select Site settings.
  4. Select Site-wide code.
  5. Paste the pixel code between the tags.
  6. Click OK and close the Site settings window.
  7. Click Publish.
  1. From your admin page, click Lead page options > Tracking codes.
  2. In the Head-tag tracking code box, paste the code.
  3. Click Done.
  4. Click Publish.

If you don't see your partner listed above, please see the Facebook pixel setup guide for more information on getting started with Facebook pixel.

* Nguồn: Facebook