Troubleshooting issues with your catalogue


If there are issues with your catalogue, you can go to the Diagnostics page to troubleshoot and resolve the issues.

  1. Go to Catalogue Manager.
  2. Select your catalogue.
  3. Select Diagnostics.

From here, you can see the pixel event sources, product feeds and product sets associated with your catalogue, and whether or not they have issues. Next to those, you'll see one of four icons:

  • Red stop sign: There's a critical error that may impact the success of your adverts.
  • Yellow triangle: There may be a small issue but you can continue to run adverts.
  • Green tick: Everything is set up correctly and you can run adverts.
  • Empty circle: This means that something is missing (e.g. you don't have any product sets).

If you click any of these messages, you'll be taken directly to the page where you can address your issue. Here are some common issues and what you should do if you see them:


Your catalogue isn't attached to an event source. Associate your Facebook pixel or app with your catalogue in Business Manager.
Your website's pixel or your app's events aren't firing correctly.Check that you've set up the pixel or SDK correctly.


You haven't set up a feed for this catalogue yet. Add a feed to your catalogue.
Your feed had one or more errors when uploading. Go to your feed page to see what the errors are, fix the errors in the feed and re-upload.

Product sets

Your catalogue has no product sets. If you have no product sets, you need to create some.
Your product sets contain 0 items.If a product set contains 0 items, check the feed to see if there are errors. You may need to create a new product set. Learn more.

Error messages after a feed upload

If there are problems with your feed, you may see error messages after you upload the feed to Facebook. To fix items in your data feed, review the columns above for your type of data feed, then upload the feed again.

Error messageDescriptionFix
HTML format isn't supportedThe file format for your data feed isn't supported by Facebook.Upload a supported file format: CSV, TSV or XML (RSS/ATOM).
Product feed not foundFacebook doesn't recognise the URL you're using for the data feed.Provide a valid URL for the product feed.
A required field is missingYou need to fill in required columns in your data feed.Fill in any required columns in your data feed. Refer to the "Create a data feed" section of this article for a list of all required columns for your items.
This product already exists in the catalogueYou've already uploaded an item in your data feed to your catalogue.Remove the duplicate item from your data feed and then upload your data feed again.
Field can't be all uppercase lettersYou've entered uppercase letters in a field that doesn't support uppercase letters.Use lowercase letters in the field and then upload your data feed again.
Field is too longYou've exceeded the character limit for a field in your data feed.Remove any excessive characters from the data feed field.
Image is too smallThe image URL in the data feed is smaller than the recommended resolution of 600x600 pixels.Use an image URL that hosts an image with a minimum resolution of 600x600 pixels.
URL incorrectly formattedThe website URLs you're using in your data feed are not formatted correctly. Fix the website URLs so they're using a supported format. You can use: http, https, ftp or sftp. If multiple links are included in one field, separate them using a comma.

* Nguồn: Facebook