Collect leads using a Facebook Instant Experience instant form


Lead ads let people show their interest in a product or service by filling in a form in the ad with their details and allowing a business to follow up with them. You can create an instant form in several objectives in Ads Manager, including:

  • Lead Generation
  • Brand Awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic

Advertisers often use Facebook instant forms with Lead generation campaigns, which helps them collect leads who are in the middle or towards the end of their buying journey. But, by including the instant form in other objectives, you can capture prospective customers earlier in their buying journey, which can be a valuable way to identify people who want to move quickly in the process. For example, you may want to use another objective to create lead ads if you are a:

  • Automotive and technology business that is looking to drive activation around launch events
  • Subscription e-commerce business that is looking to capture intent and pre-register customers
  • High-consideration services company that is trying to identify hand-raisers who you need to prioritise
  • Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) retail company looking to build first-party mailing lists to reach new audiences
Facebook will optimise the delivery of your ad based on the objective that you select. For example, if you choose the Lead Generation objective for your lead ad campaign, then we will use the lead ad optimisation model. This will lead you to optimise for people who are likely to fill in the form. Meanwhile, if you choose to include the instant form in the Brand Awareness objective, we will instead optimise ad recall lift, which is where we serve your ads to maximise the number of people who will recall seeing an ad from your brand.

How will the objective I choose affect my lead ad?

Bear in mind that if you select the Brand Awareness, Reach or Traffic objectives:
  • Your instant form will be built as a full-screen experience template or Instant Experience.
  • You will not be able to use existing instant forms created in the Lead Generation objective (conversely, you not be able to reuse instant forms created with the Brand Awareness, Reach or Traffic objectives in templates made in the Lead Generation objective).
  • Leads will not be available to download in the Lead Library in Publishing tools: at the ad set and campaign levels, you will see your lead count, but you will not be able to download leads.
  • You will need to download your leads from the Instant Experience Library in Publishing tools.

What's supported when you use the Brand Awareness, Reach and Traffic objectives:

  • Placements: Facebook only (Instagram is not supported).
  • Custom questions: Add up to 15 custom questions (i.e. short answer and multiple choice). Learn more.
  • CRM integration: Similar to Lead Generation objectives, CRMs can be set up from the Lead setup tab on Page publishing tools.
  • Call to action: "View Website" is the only call-to-action button available on the Thank You screen.
  • Linking: External links can be added to the Get new customer Instant Experience instant form template.


  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. In Ads Manager: Click + Create in the top-left.
  3. Select the Lead Generation, Brand Awareness or Reach, or Traffic objectives.

    Note: If you choose the Lead Generation objective, continue with these setup steps.

    If you choose the Brand Awareness or Reach objectives, continue with the setup steps below.
  4. Next, you will need to review the Lead Ad Terms of Service and select "I Agree to Terms and Conditions". Bear in mind that you only need to do this once per Page that you advertise for.


    If you chose the Lead Generation objective, go to the Page level and select the Page that you'd like to use to create lead ads. Click "View Terms" to review and accept when you've finished.

    If you chose the Brand Awareness, Reach or Traffic objectives, the Terms of Service acceptance will be inside Instant Experience Builder once you choose the option to create a full-screen experience instant form.

  5. Fill in the information on the ad set level: If you are using the Traffic objective, choose where you want to drive traffic. For all objectives: set up your audience, placements, budget & schedule.

    Note: When you are filling in your audience, bear in mind that unlike other campaign types, you cannot target lead ads to people under the age of 18.
  6. At the ad level, after you fill in your business' identity, choose your format and then click the option to Add a full-screen experience.
  7. You will then see an option to Start with a template :

    Choose either:
    • Get new customers: This template is available in the Lead Generation, Brand Awareness, Reach, Traffic and also offers the instant form functionality in the full-screen experience section. This template replaces the context card with an Instant Experience. This allows you to provide an immersive Instant Experience experience coupled with an instant form. This is targeted for advertisers who are existing lead ads advertisers and want to enhance the instant form with additional brand or product context.
    • Collect contact info: This template is offered in the Reach, Brand Awareness and Traffic objectives as a full-screen experience. This is a simplified version of the instant form, which allows the advertiser to present a context card along with form questions (user information fields, custom questions, etc.)
  8. If you selected Get new customers: Select an image and destination URL (optional) for your context card. Under text: select copy that you want people to see while they're swiping through your carousel images. Then toggle the Contact form option to use an instant form. You will then enter a new screen to fill in the form with a header, form questions and a Privacy Policy link.

    If you selected Collect contact info: Fill in your instant form with an image, headline, description and form questions. Add your Privacy Policy link and a Thank You screen.

    Note: If you haven't already accepted the Lead Ad Terms of Service, you will see a message at the top of the left-hand side of your screen prompting you to read and accept them. You must complete this action to finish setup (if you have already accepted, you will see a message indicating that).

  9. Click Done to complete your instant form.
  10. Complete your lead ad by filling in the Text section and click Review or Confirm.

Ready to get started?

Create an ad

Learn how to download the leads from your lead ad.

* Nguồn: Facebook