What you need to successfully create a Facebook Page


Facebook Pages are a great free tool for businesses, brands, organisations, charities, public figures and more. A Page can help you grow your presence on and off Facebook. This guide explains what you need to do and what you need to know to successfully create a Page on Facebook.

Things to know before you create a Page

  • Facebook Pages are free: Any Page type is free to create, set up and manage.
  • Separation of personal information: Your personal Facebook profile and Page are two separate entities on Facebook, and they're the ideal tool to manage your business compared to Groups.
  • Quick set up: Creating a Page may take just minutes. However, you should devote more time to making sure that your Page is set up for success by adding contact information, details about your business and getting to know the features on your Page.
  • Manage however you like: The amount of time that you spend on your Page should be based on your goals and unique circumstances. If you don't have many resources or much time to manage your Page, then we recommend trying to post to your Page one to two times each week and doing regular check-ins to make sure that your Page is up to date. Take a look at some Page post ideas to get you started.
  • Unlock the power of advertising: When you're ready to start advertising, you can do so for as little as a GBP 1 a day. You tell us how much you want to spend on an ad, and we'll do our best to get you as many results you care about for that amount. If you're not interested in advertising, just creating meaningful posts and interacting with your audience is a great way to use your Page for business.

What you'll need

  • A personal Facebook profile: To create a Page, you need to already have a profile with Facebook. If you're not using Facebook, you need to create a profile first before creating your Page. Bear in mind that information from your personal Facebook profile won't appear on your Facebook Page unless you share it there. Your profile and Page are considered separate entities on Facebook.
  • Information about your business: To get the most out of your Page, you will need to add details about your company or organisation, such as your address, email, phone number, website, hours, story, images and more. Have all of this information ready to go so that you can get your Page up and running more quickly.
  • A routine/schedule for posting to your Page: People may be less likely to follow a Page that doesn't post often or seems inactive. It's recommended that you develop a routine or schedule for posting and providing updates to your Page. We recommend posting at least one or two times each week to keep your audience engaged.
  • Page management plan: You can manage your Page yourself or give others roles on the Page that allow them to post, moderate posts, manage communications, view insights, run ads and more. Give employees or trusted peers access to help you manage your Page so that you can provide a great experience for your audience, keep them up to date on your latest news and delegate tasks to increase efficiency. Learn more about Page roles.
  • Goals you'd like to achieve: When you create a Page, have a clear set of goals in mind for what you want to achieve and make sure that you're taking advantage of your Page's unique features. Don't let your Page become stale or outdated. Pages with outdated information and few posts may not seem as credible to the audience, meaning that people may then be less likely to interact or contact you through the Page. Facebook Pages that typically perform best interact with their Page fans, post often, include contact details and information about their business and use Page Insights to better understand their audience and the content they interact with most.

Things to know after you create a Page:

We've compiled a list of guides to help you successfully set up your Page. Read through these guides for tips and info on how to set up your Page for success and grow your audience:

* Nguồn: Facebook