Create engaging Page posts

Learn more about the value of a Facebook Page.

Engaging Page posts provide content that teach people new things, entertain them, make them think, offer them something they're interested in or add value to their lives in some way. When you create posts on Facebook, ask yourself what value are my posts providing and to whom? If you can't answer that question, then it might be time to rethink the content that you're pushing out or try a new tactic. Below you'll find tips to help you create posts that grab your audience's attention and bring them meaningful value.

Use high-quality creative

People may be more likely to pause on, interact with and respond positively to posts that include creative that captures their attention. Each post you have should include some type of creative, such as images, GIFs or videos. Make sure that these creative assets are high quality. Avoid using blurry images or videos or creative that doesn't accurately reflect your brand or message.

Make posts actionable

Try different tactics to grab your audience's attention and drive them to take actions that you care about. Share articles or blogs from your website, provide links to your newsletter sign-up form, ask your fans to answer a question or provide their opinions in the comment section of your post. While not every post you create needs to drive action, actionable posts may help you increase engagement and provide real business value when the action you ask people to take is directly related to your business goals.

Tip: If you're running ads on Facebook or want to boost posts that you've previously created, try adding call-to-action buttons to capture your audience's attention and make it easy for them to click and take the action you care about. With call-to-action buttons, you can prompt people to call, sign up for something, book appointments and more.

Share stories

People communicate through stories and so should your business. Stories can help you build emotional connections with your audience and build empathy for your organisation, business or brand. Share the story of how your business began, struggles you had along the way or try capturing and sharing stories from your most valued customers about how your business, product, service or organisation has influenced or brought value to their lives. Learn more about the benefits of Page stories.

Know your audience

Understanding your audience is key to developing engaging posts. If you're unsure of who your audience is or how to connect with them, try using Page Insights to learn more about where they're from and the types of posts they've interacted with most in the past. If you're still trying to grow your audience on Facebook and don't have enough insights yet, try creating different types of posts and pay close attention to the types of engagement that each post gets. Look for spikes in the number of likes, comments or shares that a specific post gets and ask yourself questions: did the post ask people to take an action; did I use a specific type of creative; did my post contain a compelling message? There's no one-size-fits-all solution to capturing an audience's attention, but with practice, you can find tactics that work for you.

Tip: If you're running ads, knowing your audience is key. Try tailoring your ads based on key features of your audience, such as age, location or interests. A message that works for people in their 20s may be the wrong message for people in their 60s, so be aware of your audience's differences when you're creating ads to capture the attention of a specific group. Consider creating multiple versions of an ad for the same promotion, depending on who you want to target. To learn more about your audience, try using audience insights.

Keep posts simple

In general, simple posts with clean creative are best at capturing an audience's attention. Try these simple steps

  1. Keep your colour scheme clean and consistent
  2. Include images that are recognisable
  3. Use minimal, concise and impactful text

Not sure what to post about? Take a look at Page post ideas to get started.

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* Nguồn: Facebook