

What do you want to achieve with Messenger?

To extend the reach of your ad campaigns, try Messenger ads

To open conversations in Messenger, try click-to-Messenger ads

To re-target your customers in Messenger, try sponsored messages

Messenger ads

  1. Go to Ad creation.
  2. Select your objective and click Continue. View supported objectives.
    • If you selected the App Install, Reach, Brand Awareness or a Catalogue Sales objective, you can skip to step #4.
  3. Complete the Destination section if you selected a Traffic, Conversion or Messages objective.
    • If you select Messenger, a Messenger conversation will open when people click on your ad.
    • If you select Website URL, a Messenger browser will open up to your website when people click on your ad.
    • If you select App, your business's app will open when people click on your ad.
  4. Select Automatic placements or Edit placements if desired.
    • Automatic placements are designed to deliver ad impressions to the placement that is most likely to drive campaign results at the lowest possible cost. If you choose to edit placements, you can include Messenger, as long as Facebook feed is also selected.
  5. Edit your audience, budget and schedule and click Next.
  6. Select your format. View compatible formats.
  7. To finish editing your ad, click Done.
  8. Click Place Order to publish your ad.
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Click-to-Messenger ads

Create ads for Facebook, Instagram and Messenger that click to Messenger

You cannot target ads that click to Messenger to people under the age of 18.

These ads work with two objectives: Messages and conversions. During ad creation, you'll create both the ad and the welcome experience that people see in Messenger after they click on your ad.

Before you begin

  • The Messages objective optimises delivery of ads to people more likely to respond to your business in Messenger.
  • The Conversions objective should be used by advertisers if they're tracking events with a Facebook pixel and driving conversion events at scale.

Create an ad

To create an ad that will click to Messenger:

  1. Go to Ad creation within Ads Manager.
  2. For the Messages objective, select Messages.
    • For the Conversions objective, select Conversions.
  3. For the Messages objective, in the Message destination section, select Messenger/Click to Messenger.
    • For the Conversion objective, in the Conversions section, select Messenger.
  4. Edit your audience, placements, budget and schedule and click Next.
  5. Select your ad format.
  6. Select Messenger setup. The content in this section will be seen by people in Messenger after they click on your ad. You can set up your message in two ways:
    • Standard template: A default template with prefilled content based on best practices. You can review your default content and publish. You can also edit it to reflect your ad content and specific campaign goals.
    • Custom template: An editable build-your-own template that lets you add images, videos, buttons and more to your welcome experience. Custom templates can be saved and reused for future campaigns.
  7. Finish editing your ad. To publish, click Confirm.
Once approved, your ad should start appearing in selected placements. When someone clicks on the ad, it will open in Messenger and your welcome message will appear.

Learn more

Best practices for ads that click to Messenger

View performance for ads that click to Messenger

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When setting up ads that open conversations, you have the option to set up creative through Quick Creation.

To access the Quick Creation tool:

  1. Go to ad creation.
  2. Click Set up Messenger Content.

Use Quick Creation to choose:

  • introductory text to greet people who message your business
  • a message format for how to display your video, text and/or images in Messenger
  • actions such as Quick Replies and Button, so that people messaging your business get answers and information faster

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To measure conversions related to your ad, you need to include the Facebook pixel on your web page to track the conversion.
To track when someone clicks on your ad to open conversations with your business or bot in Messenger.
  1. Open Ads Manager.
  2. Select Customise columns within Ads Manager, then select Messenger engagement. There you will see:
    • Link clicks: The aggregate number of clicks your ad receives.
    • Messaging conversations started: The number of times people started messaging your business after at least seven days of inactivity, attributed to your ads.
    • Messenger replies: The number of messaging replies that people sent to your business, attributed to your ads.
    • New messaging conversations: The number of messaging conversations that began with people who had never sent a message to your business before, attributed to your ads.
Events that occur within a Messenger thread can be tracked through App Events. Learn more on the Facebook developers site.

Adding your referral link to track attribution

You'll add in your referral link during ad creation, before you place your order. To add your link:

  1. Open Ads Manager and choose either Traffic or Conversions as your campaign objective, and click Continue.
  2. Fill in your Ad Set information, such as your Audience and Budget, then click Continue.
  3. Fill in your Ad format and select the images you want to use in your ad.
  4. Under the section Show advanced options, fill in all fields until you reach URL parameters.
  5. In the URL parameters box, paste in your referral link.

Where to view traffic insights after adding your ref link

There are a few ways to view insights generated by your bot:

  • Go to your business Page, click Insights, then click Messages.
  • Read reviews emailed to you daily which are also available via the Review Dashboard in App Settings, under the developer console.
  • If you're an admin of an app, you can export data by navigating to App analytics under Messenger.

Learn more on the Facebook developers site.

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Sponsored messages

Sponsored messages are messages that allow you to send relevant offers, promotions or business updates directly to the people who your business is already talking to within Messenger.

Sponsored messages are best for:

  • Scaled communication between your Page and people who have messaged your Page
  • Advertisers who have already connected with their customers on Messenger, either through a bot for Messenger or live chat support
  • Targeted re-engagement
  • Nurture existing relationships through conversation

Create a sponsored message

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Sponsored messages only target people who you have an existing conversation with in Messenger

Sponsored messages allow you to re-engage people who have an existing conversation with your business with targeted, in-context ads. You can create sponsored messages through Ads Manager or the through the API.

To create a sponsored message through Ads Manager:

  1. Go to Ads Manager and click Create Ad. Make sure that you are in guided creation.
  2. Under the Consideration column, choose the Messages objective.
  3. Create a campaign name and click Continue.
  4. Under Message destination, choose Messenger.
  5. In the Messenger drop-down menu, click Sponsored message under the correct business page.

    • Note: Only one sponsored message will be delivered per person, per ad set. To deliver multiple sponsored messages per person within a single campaign, select Create multiple new ad sets at the top of the Ad set section, and create unique ad sets corresponding to the number of sponsored messages that you'd like to send per person.
  6. Choose your budget:

    • You should expect the majority of your sponsored messages to deliver in the three to five days after your campaign starts. If you want to manually schedule a start and end date for your campaign, it's recommended that you set your campaign length for at least one week, to ensure full delivery.
    • The minimum bid to receive sponsored message delivery varies by country. A recommended bid will automatically load in the Bid strategy section of the ad creation flow. In the US, the recommended bid is USD 30 per 1,000 impressions.

    • Note: Sponsored messages currently do not support ads scheduling and will deliver on an accelerated delivery schedule.
  7. After setting your budget, click Continue.
    • Note: The minimum bid to receive sponsored message delivery varies by country. A recommended bid will automatically load in the Bid strategy section of the ad creation flow. In the US, the recommended bid is USD 30 per 1,000 impressions.
  8. Create your ad and click Confirm.
  9. Under Message setup, select the format for your sponsored message, either text-only or text with image. Here you can input your message and upload a photo, if desired.
  10. Under Customer actions, you can add quick replies to your message. Quick replies are tappable, preset bubbles that are shown to help start and guide the conversation.
  11. Click Place Order, and you'll then be able to track your sponsored messages ad.
If you don't have open Messenger conversations with people on your Page, you can drive discovery of your page using ads that click to Messenger.
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To view results and track conversions for your sponsored messages:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Select the Messenger engagement column to view impressions, link clicks, replies, blocks and conversions for your sponsored messages.
    • If you've set up pixel events, app events or offline conversions, those metrics will appear in the corresponding columns
Note: Your sponsored messages will have the same ad insights as your other campaigns, including the ability to view results at the ad set and ad level.

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* Nguồn: Facebook