Create an ad template for dynamic ads for products


Go back: Add the Facebook pixel and/or Facebook SDK for dynamic ads for products

Dynamic ads allow you to leverage your catalogue of products to generate relevant ads for each person who sees them. After you create your catalogue and associate it with your pixel and/or app, you can then create an ad template that automatically uses images and details from your catalogue. This saves you from having to create an individual ad for each product you sell.

To create a dynamic ad template:

  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Click + Create.
  3. Select Catalogue Sales as your objective.
  4. In the drop-down menu next to Catalogue, select the catalogue that contains the product inventory that you'd like to promote.

  5. Click Continue.
  6. In the Products section, choose a product set or create a new one. A product set is a group of items from your inventory in a catalogue. Product sets allow you to control the items that appear in your ad. Learn more about product sets.

  7. In the Audience section, choose the people you want to target with your ads.
  8. Choose your placements, budget and schedule for your ads, then click Continue.
  9. Select the Facebook Page and Instagram account (optional) that represents the business you're advertising.
  10. Choose an ad format for your template. You can choose: single image, carousel or collection.
  11. Fill in the rest of the details for your ad. Depending on the ad format you choose, you can add different details, such as link descriptions, ad text or URL parameters.

  12. When you're ready, confirm the changes to your ad.

Learn more about creating a dynamic ad based on each ad format.

Target the right people

In your dynamic ad template, you can target people in two different ways:

  • Broad audience targeting: Extend your reach beyond visitors to your website or app, to people who may not have visited your website or app. This targeting type is ideal if you want to find new customers who may be interested in your products. Learn more about broad audience targeting.
  • Retargeting: Target people who've taken specific actions on your website or app (such as adding products to their basket) based on signals from your pixel or app events. This targeting type is ideal if you want someone to take the next step in their shopping journey (for example, buying your products). Learn more about retargeting.
CategoryBroad audience targetingRetargeting
Use caseGenerate demand from people with intent to purchase from your website, app visitors and more.Retarget people who've viewed products on your website or mobile app. Upsell higher-value or more popular items to people who've viewed products on your website or mobile app. Cross-sell complimentary products to people who have recently purchased.
TargetingChoose a broad audience (for example, all adults in India) while excluding recent purchasers (for example, last 10 days).Choose people based on events on your website or app. For example, target people who match the ViewContent, AddtoCart or Purchase events in the last 90 days.
Recommended exclusionsTo maximise your overall return on ad spend, exclude people who've purchased in the last 10 days. To maximise new visitors, exclude people who've visited your website or app in the last 30 days.People who've purchased in the last 30 days.
Recommended bid strategiesFor the first week, optimise for link clicks, and then cost per result based on a target cost for 7-day purchases. Start with auto-bid for the first week, and then begin optimising bids (adjust bids on weekly basis).For the first week, optimise for link clicks, and then cost per result based on a target cost for 7-day purchases. Start with auto-bid for the first week, and then begin optimising bids (adjust bids on weekly basis).
BudgetVaries depending on the market for your ads. If you serve a large market (for example, the US), consider using a large budget. If you serve a small market, consider using a small budget.Varies depending on traffic to your website or app. Consider using large budgets and controlling your spend through bidding.

Show your ads across different placements

You can show dynamic ads across multiple placements: Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger. Consider delivering ads across all of these placements to extend your reach.

  • Facebook
    • Feeds
    • Right column
    • Marketplace
  • Instagram
    • Feed
  • Audience Network
    • Native, banner and interstitial
  • Messenger
    • Home

Learn more about the design requirements for dynamic ads across different placements.

Control your creative

Dynamic ads take information from your catalogue to generate the creative in your ad template. If you want to show more brand elements in your ads, you can add overlays, show categories of products, provide offers and more.

  • Overlays: Show information about pricing and delivery directly on the product images in your creative. To use overlays in your dynamic ads, update your catalogue with information about your sale price or delivery info.

  • Categories: Show people the different types of items you sell in a single ad unit. Rather than showing individual items, you can segment the items in your ads by specific categories (for example, swimwear) or brands (for example, Facebook). You can segment by category, brand or product type.

  • Offers: Show discounts or limited-time offers to your dynamic ad. When you add an offer to your dynamic ad, your offer appears as a card in the carousel. People can then interact with the card to claim the offer.

  • Collection: Show your products in an immersive full-screen experience for mobile devices. Collection is a mobile Facebook News Feed format that opens into a Canvas when someone interacts with the ad. Within the Canvas, you can display your products through a series of images and videos.

Learn more

* Nguồn: Facebook