Navigate Catalogue Manager


Catalogue Manager allows you to build and manage a catalogue of your inventory – products, flights, hotels, property and more – and use your inventory in a variety of business cases across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and the Audience Network. With Catalogue Manager, you can:

  • Access all of the catalogues created or assigned to your ad account or business
  • Build and upload new inventory into your catalogue
  • Set up product sets to better control the products that appear in your Facebook ads
  • Connect events with your inventory to track performance
  • Review your catalogue's performance and solve any issues
You can find Catalogue Manager by visiting in your browser.

Within Catalogue Manager, you'll find different sections for creating and managing your catalogue, including:


If you have more than one catalogue, the Home page shows a comprehensive overview of all of the catalogues that you manage. You can also see the number of errors, warnings and recommendations for each catalogue. You can also create a new catalogue from the Home page.


The Diagnostics page gives you recommendations on ways to use and improve the quality of your catalogue. Recommendations provides you with an actionable list of things to try with your catalogue. Issues outlines things that you should consider trying or updating to improve the quality of your catalogue. Errors are problems that you must fix before you can use your catalogue.

Learn more about the Diagnostics page in Catalogue Manager.


View and manage all items in your catalogue. You can explore each item individually, gain insights on how items are performing, create new product sets, and edit or deactivate items in the catalogue. Learn more about managing the items in your catalogue.

Data sources

Data sources are the backbone of your catalogue. They supply your catalogue with all of the necessary information about your inventory. You can upload inventory from multiple data sources, including:

  • Data feeds: A data feed is a file that contains information about the inventory that you want to upload to Facebook. You enter different attributes about your inventory so that Facebook can take the information and populate your catalogue. This option is ideal if you have a large inventory, or you want to create retargeting ads. Learn more about data feeds.
  • Manual creation: You can individually add items from your inventory to your catalogue without creating a data feed. You can add images, names, descriptions and prices for each item that you're adding to your catalogue. This option is ideal if you are unable to create a data feed. Learn more about adding items to your catalogue manually.
  • Facebook pixel: You can create a catalogue using the Facebook pixel. When people visit your website and perform an action attached to your pixel (for example, adding an item to a shopping basket), information about the item is then added to your catalogue. This option is not available to all advertisers and may not be available to you at the moment. Learn more about creating a catalogue with the Facebook pixel.

Product sets*

Create specific categories for your inventory – called "product sets" – that allow you to control the items that appear in your ad. You should create a product set when you're running dynamic ads. When you create a product set, you use filters (such as availability, brand, category, product type or price) to define what goes into the product set. Alternatively, you can create a product set featuring all of your items. Learn more about creating product sets.


Event sources are tools that you can use to build your catalogue audience for dynamic ads. You can use the Facebook pixel to see what people are doing on your website or the Facebook SDK to see what people are doing in your app. From the "Event sources" page, you'll see rich insights about these interactions and better match your events to the items in your catalogue. Learn more about event sources in your catalogue.


Adjust settings for your catalogue. You can: rename your catalogue, choose your notification preferences for updates related to your catalogue, manage your Business Manager account, connect your catalogue with a pixel and app, manage how your images appear in ads or delete your catalogue.

*The names of these sections in Catalogue Manager are different depending on the type of inventory in your catalogue. For example, if you have a catalogue with flight information, you will see "Flights" and "Flight sets" in Catalogue Manager.

Next, learn how to create a catalogue.

* Nguồn: Facebook